

LOL picsturessss-i luk retarded hahas

ok nvr blog yest..

so cover up .

yest. went 6B bq at seoul garden. MC paid most of it.

ate from 12.00+ to 3 hahas.

then WALKED to see the merlion --->walked to raffles placeMRT station hahas

not very far actually.. hahas not a lot went 12 or 13 i tink hahas

after tt went to pasir ris to take ne0s haha.

i am ne0 queenn man hais....

went wif amira and lydi yayas.post the pics later .

tt all for yest..

todaymorning went guitar.

boo unclelim nvr come today..

so sian bt heng this was the last lesson .

ml will b SAD if she knows she lurve guitar lessons hahas.

ok nvm left school early then go hme.

eat jap lunch then buy books at pop.

damn it my eclispse was sold out.

i want that book ! wth so suay ....had the 20% discount de leh haissss.

stupid suan le

buy next time.

i shall save $$ hahas.

s0 ppl the bowling thing how?????? i dunno leh./

anyway i gt DESTINY LER hehe

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