i miss my bl0g SO MUCH.
wth all 4 days not free to bl0g. and on9..
nvm short recab on wadi did this few days.
14th dec
went bowling wif.
mei lan xue qi edmund and wee kiong.
score not bad haha 77 and 75.
spend 6 dollar only s0 cheap lar.. haha go again next time =)
pass xue qi her pressie on tt day.
bad bad ml nvr give together wif mi hahas.
ok and ya.edmund bought hokkien mee. thanks for sharing wif mi.
it was great hahas so exp=>3.80 hahas..
15th dec sat.
morning woke up super early. went expo.
for gui yi =>my religion thingy..
till 11+ then went home eat and bath and go there agian
f0r social work hais.
supoosed to meet at night dere
bt mum went so early hais hai.made us stay there till 10.. miss my zhou ri ba dian dang.
bt then saw many pl wearingcosplay on the 2nd floor .
my god their costume super nice de can so cool.luk lke ppl whu come out from the jap anime book lol. wanna try that next time hahs.
then took foto with sis.
we are incharge of the traffic work for the social thingy s0had to an xtra tee shirt lar..to show that u are in charge lol.
i am nt posting the pics super toot hahs.
16the dec..
hmm went there again f0r wad.
chant frm 2 to 10. so sian lar.
bt okies.
then at night daddy drove the car and fetch us to the airport hahas.
for wad leh..
r0sanne theyy all cuming back frm bangkok hahas.
fetch them and 9 couzins all together again.
yang yang came he super shuai de hahas.
we ate swensen
then went take foto lars woth r0sy and vien =))))))) post it later =)
went hme at 1.00+ in the morning sleep...
17th dec hahas.
morning went to cut hair at near xq hse dere.
cheap ma hahas./
then go
went pop to buy assesment hahas so qin la0 fake.
hahas then bought pizza and xqml buy kfc hahas/
then later cum my house =))
watch ISWAK 2 epi 1 wad the hell so nice sia./
hahas lurve xiang qin zhi shu mosties...
watch yu le and they went home.
today leh slept to 11 as usual.
did stupid house chores
then later at night gg tm.
bleah eat dinner and buy rice cooker my house rice cooker spoil lar..
=((( hahs.
gg o2jamming later hahas.
oh ya pics =)
vien rebonded her hair===COOL
r0sy dyed her hair ====sweet hahas.
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