
BowLIng wif 2a

went bowling wif 2a t0day it was sucessful =).
more then 20 turned up=)
there were money pr0bs lor.
bt then all settle ler.
my marks were pathetic lor.
lke SHIT.
wth 56 and 59 =(((
unlke my lane de ppl(wk bk cs ed and ml)
all pr0 lke .. waa
2a people play real well.
raymond and jerry they all so pr0.over 100 =)
so i went b0wling to thr0w my 7.60 away
=((( waa.
nvm FUN is more important then results hahas.
and i must thank....
hahas ml kept my ezlink fer mi =)
yq help mi take my card from the c0unter =P
joanne help mi run and pass it to ml =D.
so thanks =)) loads.
watching ISWAK2 ep 3 later =)))
lurve it most lor =PP


100 POST =)

HAPPY 100 POST. lol

hahas.hmm. had dinner yest.

super exp lor. not saying the price .

let the f0t0s speak hahas i luk lke shit.

hahas next yay tml 2a b0wling ..

i book ler pray hard i book correctly hahs.

excited lor gonna beat 80 if can lar.IMPOSSIBLE.

hahas then 3rd thing i am nt buying ISWAk2 ost ler gt the s0ngs..

bt sum weird weird der lor..

BT i am BUYING THE sh0w =)

lastly..sk00l opening ler s00n enuff..

wth omg shit.

i am so UNPREPARED lor.

wad eva. gtg eating my dinner s00n.

ISWAK 1 at disc 20 one more to go =)

FOTOS are speaking ....


99th post..

late MERRY XMAS =)
hope everyone had LOADS of fun...
hahas. my present is ROMANTIC PRINCESS DVD l0l.. hahas so exp lor.
nvm i lurv it=) thanks loads =)
today gt moneyy $$ hehe.
oh ya i got ANG 5.0 =) cheap cheap der. songs still ok lar.
hahs i miss ma blog loads =)))
haha today went sh0pping.
f0r wad leh=> gg for a dinner on 29 =)
bought wad leh => very exp stuff hais..so KUI JIU..
sumthing i never buy b4..l0r DRESSES.hahas.
100+ lor haiss... nvm earn it back nxt time.. hahas =) impoosible.
and tml gg pedicure wif vien and r0sy ..
cause gt FREE mah so just nice 3... mus go lar.
1st time go also =) excited..l0ls.
i want bangles =) buying tml ++ clip.
i gt letter ler the CC thing hahas/
tt all watching ISWAK. disc 11 =)


CHristmas EVe.

NOT blogging
SUPER tired.
GOING couxins hse tml.
BYE bye.
watching ISWAk 2 ep 2=).
tt all.
GOING for 2a class oUTing yeah !.


LET der pics do de TALKING




no one is bl0gging these few days.

mb busy ba..

so i shall not talk too much.

kant on9 much these few days.


my mum really took the modem away.DIa0.

nvm suan ler.

so damn bored.

nvm let PICTURES do the talking.

BLOG under construction. sumthing wr0ng wif it.

skool reopening soon. boo.

yay gt witch yoohee OST FINALLY. aft 1000yrs hahas.

tt all see if have ISWAK 2 ep 2 =)



NICE NiCE mUST hear =)))))
i thought ariel sing de bt nt leh.....
everything of ISWAK is NICE HAHAs i siao ler


yest is thurs
today is friday ok.
jus woke up lor
haha from aftern00n sleep. l0lS
yest night vien rosy germs and rach stay over ma.
i slept wif rosy and vien hahas.
in my r00m.
wth took foros.
ZILIAN lke shit using vien digi cam..
haha wrote many words hahas.
WU liao LAME hahhaas.
later itink gg out.
to tm again diao..
nt studying or reading so sian.
slept at 2am yest =)) woke up at 10.
gg out again tml.
tt all i wanna say.
pics upload nxt time when vien give mi..
talkin to my aunt on9 her eng pr0 leh.so gd =)



damn it lar.
yest night went tm to eat. hmm bought rice cooker hahs.
cheap 66.
then take neo print haha we so lame.
ps no pic
hais ..
then mummy atnight say.....
i am going to bring the modem (notsure spelling)
to my office..
see how u playcom.
omg i almost fainted sia
no more com.
no msn no utube no imeem no friendster noBLOG.
i am gg to die lor..
scared after today she is going to bring the modem to her office ler =(((((..
life wifout com will suck lke hell.
she ai lai guo is superb nice =) nice it =)


4 days nvr on9

i miss my bl0g SO MUCH.

wth all 4 days not free to bl0g. and on9..


nvm short recab on wadi did this few days.

14th dec

went bowling wif.

mei lan xue qi edmund and wee kiong.

score not bad haha 77 and 75.

spend 6 dollar only s0 cheap lar.. haha go again next time =)

pass xue qi her pressie on tt day.

bad bad ml nvr give together wif mi hahas.

ok and ya.edmund bought hokkien mee. thanks for sharing wif mi.

it was great hahas so exp=>3.80 hahas..


15th dec sat.

morning woke up super early. went expo.

for gui yi =>my religion thingy..

till 11+ then went home eat and bath and go there agian

f0r social work hais.

supoosed to meet at night dere

bt mum went so early hais hai.made us stay there till 10.. miss my zhou ri ba dian dang.


bt then saw many pl wearingcosplay on the 2nd floor .

my god their costume super nice de can so cool.luk lke ppl whu come out from the jap anime book lol. wanna try that next time hahs.

then took foto with sis.

we are incharge of the traffic work for the social thingy s0had to an xtra tee shirt lar..to show that u are in charge lol.

i am nt posting the pics super toot hahs.

16the dec..

hmm went there again f0r wad.

chant frm 2 to 10. so sian lar.

bt okies.

then at night daddy drove the car and fetch us to the airport hahas.

for wad leh..

r0sanne theyy all cuming back frm bangkok hahas.

fetch them and 9 couzins all together again.

yang yang came he super shuai de hahas.

we ate swensen

then went take foto lars woth r0sy and vien =))))))) post it later =)

went hme at 1.00+ in the morning sleep...

17th dec hahas.

morning went to cut hair at near xq hse dere.

cheap ma hahas./

then go

went pop to buy assesment hahas so qin la0 fake.

hahas then bought pizza and xqml buy kfc hahas/

then later cum my house =))

watch ISWAK 2 epi 1 wad the hell so nice sia./

hahas lurve xiang qin zhi shu mosties...

watch yu le and they went home.

today leh slept to 11 as usual.

did stupid house chores

then later at night gg tm.

bleah eat dinner and buy rice cooker my house rice cooker spoil lar..

=((( hahs.

gg o2jamming later hahas.

oh ya pics =)

vien rebonded her hair===COOL

r0sy dyed her hair ====sweet hahas.



yay. today woke up at 10.15 broke rec0rd sia the earliest time leh hahas.
hmmm wad shood i say today leh.
excited for tml?
ok lar bt i wanna play tt all hahas.
ok wanna go o2jamming bt then gt to do sumthing important first s0 bye.
thats all.
hais really b0ring post.
tml will be a better one.
i pr0mise=)


SETTELED we are gg bowliing

ok on 14th dec we are gg b0wling. settled/
haiss stupid lor.
jq nt going haisss.
today went on9 super long..
bt then haha later gg out again..
hmm lets see just now wanted to study bt boo ..
nvr leh damn it.
i played my sis GU ZHENG hahas. used to be a gu zheng player bt then
now so long nvr touch that instuement i am
so dumb at it.
hahs.i play reall horribly hahas toobad/..
hmm. ya.
gtg to thanks kor send mi.s0ng.hahas.bt only 1 boo
better then nothing =))
ok thats all.
yest was really kpo
watching yu le now bb =)
eating my curyy s00n yayas.



today went out and came back early =)
bought SOME stuffs.
went SOME where.
saw dou niu yao bu yao soundtrack =)
erm..yay cannot say too much.
i only can say my friend gr0w so tall ler.since i saw her last time. hais unfair i still so SHORt.
hahas mb i shrinkk.
todday is a happy day.
thanks her f0r SOME stuff.
sorry for SOME stuff also hahas.
ok cant say too much
erm thats all.
watch gong zhu xiao mei last epi.
ending ok lar. nt bad show.]
yay waiting f0r e xuo ju 2wen-ISWAK2
at night gg out again ..



okay nt blogging much today.
lame day and rainy day hahas.
erm yaya ml cuming back ler right
miss her =))))
i lvlup to 16 yest finally man.

yippeee although still very LAn bt i tried my best ler la.. hahas
oh a rainy day today =)))
have mo nu you xi today yays.


ARGH 恶作剧 2 吻

Miss yu le that day so went to utube to watch it.
wth so nice.

i lurve zhi shu...


all the yu gao s00 damn cute hahas.

e zuo ju zhi wen is a nice nice SHOW hahas.

i siao ler. tt it gg to play o2jam =P

still haven lvl up i so LAN.

fotos =PP



LOL picsturessss-i luk retarded hahas

ok nvr blog yest..

so cover up .

yest. went 6B bq at seoul garden. MC paid most of it.

ate from 12.00+ to 3 hahas.

then WALKED to see the merlion --->walked to raffles placeMRT station hahas

not very far actually.. hahas not a lot went 12 or 13 i tink hahas

after tt went to pasir ris to take ne0s haha.

i am ne0 queenn man hais....

went wif amira and lydi yayas.post the pics later .

tt all for yest..

todaymorning went guitar.

boo unclelim nvr come today..

so sian bt heng this was the last lesson .

ml will b SAD if she knows she lurve guitar lessons hahas.

ok nvm left school early then go hme.

eat jap lunch then buy books at pop.

damn it my eclispse was sold out.

i want that book ! wth so suay ....had the 20% discount de leh haissss.

stupid suan le

buy next time.

i shall save $$ hahas.

s0 ppl the bowling thing how?????? i dunno leh./

anyway i gt DESTINY LER hehe


BIG pr0blem hmmm..

okay..erm yay tml gg out to marina square eat seoul garden with
6Bees ppl =P
bt then only few ppl will turn up bleah nvm better then nothing..
excited whoos/
okays the big PROBLEm is.
haha my friends all arrange two days 14 and 15..either one 0f them to go bowling.
bt then hor...
on 14th people who can come...
1.mei lan
3. xue qi.
5.wee kiong

on 15 leh..
1.jun qiang.
2.dabraker they alls0 how leh..
hais ..how leh.
in a dilema.

1.either choose one day tt everybody can.
2.dun go.
3.choose either 14 or 15 ..
mei lan the decision up to u. we all wait for u come back then decde.
me and xq dunno wad to do haisssss.
so ma fan hahas.
saw angela bu xiang dong de mv.
a bit lame bt she is damn chi in dere.
buying her album dun care hahas.
tt all bb
gg 02jamming .

my fav song in witch yoo hee =P

erm nice cute song
too bad my blog kannot put song l0l...


SW33t lunch <3


today woke up at 11.00 as usual =//

hais made a stupid timetable to plan properly..

s0 followed it

finally i packed my books sec3 and sec2 =)))

later need to go out again haisx.

stupid sorethroat made my voice so husky.

it sounds terrible.

really shit.

oh i made my lunch f0r mi and sis today hahas/

use 6 eggs omg-high cholestrol(wadeva)spell wrongly..

erm 4 eggs-bull eyes

2 for the veggie.

use leftover vege-cabbagge pathetic

and a small little carrot tada. that is ma LUNCH =)))

satisfied bt ttoo saltish hahas.

p0st a pics.

bt it look kinda GRooss.

it taste nice (zi kua) and it is edible l0l hahas.

ok thats all. going 02jamming

ban frm watching utube.

urghhh.nvm =)

bye bye
my lunch eeeii


BOO i m sick a bit =P

yest nvr blog.
dunno y and i am nt telling hahas.
then yest also nvr on9.i m out =P
ok then today gt guitar .sian as usual...
bought stuffs nice nice nice.
bought books in school today bleah nt enuff $
mus cum again=(( SIAN.
now watching r0mantic pwencess.2nd las epi.
hiphip nxt is ISWAK g0nna watch hahas.
lame lame lame.
thats all bb n0thing interesting.
many things cannot ttell..
whoo hate keeping stuff to myself =(
hais g0nna sick ler.
wait headche and sore throat =((((
hate getting


change bl0g skin again.

haiss f0reva changing blogskin...
i took this blogskin bc0z
fell that i gotta change a new one so i wil feel lke typing bl0g again.
this blogskin caught my eye=P i lurve it
any c0mments or opinions feel free to p0st it
pos (+) or neg (-)i also ok de ^^
mood now no good bleah..
because very tired wanna sleep.
bt nah f0r chun and ang =D
tolerate til 10 hehe to watch zhou ri ba dian dang.
it nvr fails to cheer mi up =)))
this wk is g0nna b busy goin out most of da time hehe.
this few day so tired bt doing sumthing meaningful =P
i miss shopping hahas
wu la la
ISWAK 2 cuming out yayayaya..
mus watch it!
ok dun talk ler chatting with edm0nd hehes.
byes muakis
for my blog.
s0ryy for the neglect bloggie =DDDDD