
ps.f0r not bl0gging yest.

aww.i feel bad for not blogging yesterday hate it.
ps.actually i type something about 2a yesterday and wanted to post it then.
s0 suai it could not be published i dont no y.
sad.cry.i am a pig.
i slept for 2hr near 3=(
had some problems recently.having cold war .
xq going to see the jin qu jiang h0pe she have fun in seeing her id0ls-arr0n and evan hahas.
nothing to type ler.s
thanks.my fwens f0r the pressies lurve them lots.they are greatly appreciated hehes.
and si hui for thep0sters they are great.hahas i am happy.that is all.
cant watch zh0ng ji yi ban n0w.sissy exams.
nvm if kan g0 out i will.but my p0ckets gonna have a big HOLE ler la. hahas
remind m to return 3 bucks i tink ed also QIAN ml 5.50 hahas.ps mei lan >.<

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