
L0ngest p0st ever..

wh00s.in a better mood today.

FIRstly because there is no school today we went to pasir ris beach today- to pick litter.

sec0ndly went to arcade t0 play of course.

thirdly i was happy hahas. n0t sianing at h0me finally although need t0 go scho0l at 7.00 tommorrow for a certain reason that i dont know.


in the morning woke up early and rushed to simei mrt station to meet jeanette .i was early. jeanette saw hui min and we went together. then we saw lynn coming from tampines and she said she took the wrong mrt. oo sad.waste time and effort jin ke lian hahas.

reach pasir ris mrt station i was not really late. saw xue qi and jocelyn =P and joanne.she was waiting for joelynn.we were waiting for our mei lan and elaine.hahas.thay were caught up.oh ya and als0 meet wee kiong and we took 354 to pasir ris park.the walk was super far .it took us super long time to reach the meeting detination.havent even started the journey and i am tired. we were broken up into groups and was given a plastic bag to fill it with rubbish. we were also given 2hrs. our group as usual lar-ml xq jq ed and mi lor.we are the SLACKISH group hahas.but we went to the beach to collect litter okay. 0n the way although the litter wasnt that much la but then they were disgusting and smelly.but bo bian we have to pick them up so our her0s-ml jq n ed took the rubbish and throw into the bag.mi n xq leh.hold the plastic bag. hahas.after that we went to a r0ck.ok not really a rock and sat down to slack.we talk a lot but cannot remember .then after long long time hahas.went back to collect litter it is then we found out that is is already close to ten and we had to get back l0l.and we turned back.

guess what we are really SUAI-unlucky der lors. the pathetic plastic bag broke and there was a H0le. everything came out..yucks and 0pps.jq gave us a great idea of tying a knot at the hole.well no one volunteered and our heroine ml step up to tie lor.thx a lot gurl .hahas.later edmond and jun qiang and xq put the disgusting things into the plastic bag as xq carried the heavy plastic bag of rubbish back to the meeting point.halfway the journey edmund was singing away haha loudly like what you can say a human KTV hahas.but i have to admit that it wasnt that bad.hahas.then we started to cahgne our direction to jun qiang hahas.he was in choir ok.and we wanted to hear hie melodious and sarparno(not sure of the spelling ps.)voice hahas.but he rejected all the way no matter how much we had BEGGED him .haix so the consequences is he got to carry the err xin plastic bag to the meeting point.p00r him but too bad if he had sang nothing would happen to him.=xx well after the collection was my food hahas mac.oh school was good they gave us mac chicken burger and a apple juice free hehe.ate my lunch then started to rain so we were dismissed early.went to pasir ris toilet first to chagne into pe pants tried to went into arcadebut no luck s0 i was pissed everyone too had to change inorder to get in.damn it hahas. went to mt house to get h0wever mt keys were at home and nobody was at home so went to joyce house haha.her house was beside my old house lor.hehe miss my old house.change int0 her pants and it is super long for me.because i have sh0rt legs.hahas.then it ws diu lian that i kant mentioned SUPER diu lian ppl wh0 noe please dont say i begged and plead hahas.then went back to pasir ris finally after long long journey .went straight to rcade sh0ck to see edmond there but he said he was coming never said the time.well i hate it i spend 6 bucks thats it. wtf nvm.i had fun played dayt0na several times and the basketball thingy hahas.and a new cute game the drum thingy.then i saw a few pr0 people playing the drum proli.hahas super pr0.my eyes nearly p0pped out and it was sh0cking w0w.then went to old chagne kee to buy curry puff with ml.went to ntuc to find elaine they all they bought ice-cream.i had no money s0 no f00d.too bad for mi=(
it ink that is almost all my legs nearly broke yeh.cries..tired l0rx.0h.
haha thats all i summarise lot cause want to go play games super sian der lor.hahas.thanks joyce i will return the sh0rts tml hahas.u will have shorts to wear hahas.jkjk

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