
yar it is wednesdae le..

er..act todae in skool is quite boring n it pass super fast!
todae lit cher nvr kum which is s00 gd lorx bt then i slacking all the way hahas bt then c0mm0nt test nxt wk le!!!arhgss s0 laxi that is mi lor ...during tt less0n we lke keep on torturing CS to noe hu is his ah ma erm he gt red..haha mb embarrassed bt then i blieve tt he will nt tell de so haixx nvm leave it to him..c0s if he dun wana sae notin will make him sae lor...bt huever is ah ma is realli lucky c0x CS is vri funi n a gd pers0n lorx haha..he is a good pers0n ! s0 fang XIn i will nt pester CS to telll the pers0n is hu de hahas..

sec0ndli yahs my another la0 po gt her bl0g les..yeah Ml i link her le..!! hip hip ok i am sia0..shit lor art konfirm kanot finish de haven even started and then slacking here lia0s..bt todae wad i wanna sae is still at de back hahas.

actualli edm0nd pressie i 0s0 dunno y he wood guess tt one ..bt i will nt tell wad is it still.i onli hpe this pressie all of us kan make it...bt then i gt one fwen hor vri the inferior kanxx..he lke dun dun wan n den give all reas0ns sae we treating him lke a . tt was so untrue kan i w0nder when he kan take the inferiority off him kanxx i was realli piss lar..we wanted to make it a success so tt everione cood celebrate ed pressie together bt then if he dun go ,it wood b a failure ... actualli we realli treated him as a great fwen kanx bt then he tinks tt we are lke "usin" him...so sad..if c0uld i realli wana tell him that everyone is important everyone is equal...he is oso equally important to us de lor ..we do nt wan him to feel is0lated i am sorri if we have neglected eu bt den u mus noe tt u are are our great fwen t00..haixx hpe u will agree to make ed pressie a success wif us kies..thx.. great fwen br0 bear..
tt alll i will sae todae good enough les haha...nvm
hpe he wood change his mind tml lor hpe u see his gd repli bt a pity he will nt see the post nvm... =(

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