
dunno y i mus blog

hihi...todae is another dae where i slack slack n slack lor
everidae so b0ring one bt nvm at least now hor gt tok more to cs lia0 haha he is vri the funi lor
actualli to dae nth to blog one is all c0x of that BK lar ask mi to blog when i dunn0 wad to blog hahas..y am i so guai ar?nvm
s0 stress lor this week gt the stupid art hm need to hand in
n the dnt detail development i dyin lia0
w0rst is gt the CT lar..hate hatehate..it
todae gt IPW n i t00k sum pic on our pr0 hahas
bt mus w8 4 nxt time then i will put up.. bt it is g00na look GROOSSS if it last four the nxt few wks lor..
nvm still pics are nicccccce =)
oh yar toking to jeanette todae she sae waanna go back to ckp bt then hor on tt dae gt aces lar so dumb kan.. it is so SHIT haha nvm gg back to see cher lor miss her lotx
my ex sk00lmate hpe will go bac 0s0 hehe i waanna see them (._.)
ok then to the end i wanna sae those hu read my blog kan leave c0mments or nt even if i dunno u jus leave okies iff kan0t then nvm i will nt f0rce haha..jus wanna see c0mment bt pls no vulgar hor nt welcum here kies..thxkies everyone muahhhhhhhkkkkkxxx. .. .. .. .. xp

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