n0 bloggin jus f0tos todae... >.<
omg todae damn tired de..bt i saw my ex-darlinks yaya
actualli h0r todae is nt a n0rma dae haha..
-todae sk00l starts at 8.00
-sec0ndli todae gt aces dae n we g0tta walk around the sk00l leh damn dia0 de bt NO DANCING bt is the WHOLE sko0l walk together hhaha..quite boring lar
-i hand in my stupid art le yaya.. bt my k0r haven n even ask mi help mii the sculpture bt den i reject him lor c0x so diff kan..srii g0r n0 offfence bt i realli suck in art kanxx..jus no talen..
-srii xq todae pang se u n go off earlier ..haixx realli dui bu qi ar..bt u are a da shan ren will nt mind de..
-oh then later went to meet my ex..darlinks haha..the sk00l made mi stand outside f0r alm0st one hr wif jeanette n nic0le. it is s0..f***ing hot and i am damn piss we need to fill in aform b4 goin in is lame de lor..qi...ok then erm..
went to KFC wif darlinks aft toking to mc..we gave her a CAKE..hehe bt i tink it melted lors..den we went to the playground yayas ..to tok bt then the bois damn da0 de..they so is0late n ign0re us sadxx i noe lar is gan ga kanxx..
-then so lame tok damn long ders haha..ok lar bt they found out my little secret opps* i kanot sae sorri onli my cl0sest fwen noe lar..hehe s0 sorri..no spreadin..bt i realli dun have lar..this is wad i wanna tell them!
n now gtg to BATH wad i hate m0st.c0x gg to ah gong hse haha nt chang shi..to eat diinner hpe kan see my e zuo ju 0ver dere last epi leh!!!haha..then later hor i gg to watch angel lurver last epi n magicians lurv..vien lendin mi too.yar she gg wuhan tml good luc.have funn yippess had fun todaes..tired..
class part6y wwas the bestest lor..mdm siti was touched class b0nd yeah..
mioss lam lurv the shirt n hehe pz pro0pose to her..she nvr accept nvm haha..die 6.00 ler..missin my linger n xia0 yao ge ge
-todae sk00l starts at 8.00
-sec0ndli todae gt aces dae n we g0tta walk around the sk00l leh damn dia0 de bt NO DANCING bt is the WHOLE sko0l walk together hhaha..quite boring lar
-i hand in my stupid art le yaya.. bt my k0r haven n even ask mi help mii the sculpture bt den i reject him lor c0x so diff kan..srii g0r n0 offfence bt i realli suck in art kanxx..jus no talen..
-srii xq todae pang se u n go off earlier ..haixx realli dui bu qi ar..bt u are a da shan ren will nt mind de..
-oh then later went to meet my ex..darlinks haha..the sk00l made mi stand outside f0r alm0st one hr wif jeanette n nic0le. it is s0..f***ing hot and i am damn piss we need to fill in aform b4 goin in is lame de lor..qi...ok then erm..
went to KFC wif darlinks aft toking to mc..we gave her a CAKE..hehe bt i tink it melted lors..den we went to the playground yayas ..to tok bt then the bois damn da0 de..they so is0late n ign0re us sadxx i noe lar is gan ga kanxx..
-then so lame tok damn long ders haha..ok lar bt they found out my little secret opps* i kanot sae sorri onli my cl0sest fwen noe lar..hehe s0 sorri..no spreadin..bt i realli dun have lar..this is wad i wanna tell them!
n now gtg to BATH wad i hate m0st.c0x gg to ah gong hse haha nt chang shi..to eat diinner hpe kan see my e zuo ju 0ver dere last epi leh!!!haha..then later hor i gg to watch angel lurver last epi n magicians lurv..vien lendin mi too.yar she gg wuhan tml good luc.have funn yippess had fun todaes..tired..
class part6y wwas the bestest lor..mdm siti was touched class b0nd yeah..
mioss lam lurv the shirt n hehe pz pro0pose to her..she nvr accept nvm haha..die 6.00 ler..missin my linger n xia0 yao ge ge
0k 4 daes jus pass s0 quikly lorx..exam 0ver reLIVE but....
everidae kum to bl0g wad an great 0wner hahas..so bhb nvr ok de lar
hahas realli dunno wad to blog lars..wad i do todae..
1)flunk my tests hahas..tt is wad always happen
2)i chi0ng my art n didnt pei ML so srii..art is an EMERGANCY ha..realli ugli bt den dun kares ler..
>.< ~nxt time sh0w u the pics ..
3)i sang song l0r ..aftn00n so sian wif xq..so go utube .. siiing siiing.haha
4)go eat dinnner wif mumi n mei mei..mei mei gt to buy chers dae pressie haha nt lke mi so bad nvr nuy ...den mumi go tok wf those aunty lar haha..i leh so guaiguai kum hme to BLOG yaya..
act is oso to see BROWN SUGAR MACCHITO..yays..n to play wu lia0 de games then later gt to finish art..dvlopment thingy which is s00 the SHIT haha..
5)so sucky kan the sk00l gave us IDOITC hm lars..damn shit de..
-math on the internet n txtbk when i nvr learn tt chp b4
-DNT ar..i kant finish the dimensii0ns n the copi a lot the wrksht nvrin kan slowli do haha..
6)i need to do sumthin tomoro haha is to go bac to pri sk00l see my ex mates haha misses then l0ads de lor..send 3 muakies muak mauk muak..eee so s0 xin haha..seein them tml so excited haha..n my fav cher -MC =D lurve her t000...bt s0 dumb lorx the sckool onli allow us to visit till 2.30 kanxx they dem sick de sae is 4 the children safety hahas..suan le beta then nth..
LASTLY..haha happi CHERS DAE to all the chers on EARTH...
mdm siti..
miss lam...
mrs wee...
miss chia...
mr mah!
haha..jy SMILE..see in the end stil so many to write i am realli TALKAtive hahas.
hahas realli dunno wad to blog lars..wad i do todae..
1)flunk my tests hahas..tt is wad always happen
2)i chi0ng my art n didnt pei ML so srii..art is an EMERGANCY ha..realli ugli bt den dun kares ler..
>.< ~nxt time sh0w u the pics ..
3)i sang song l0r ..aftn00n so sian wif xq..so go utube .. siiing siiing.haha
4)go eat dinnner wif mumi n mei mei..mei mei gt to buy chers dae pressie haha nt lke mi so bad nvr nuy ...den mumi go tok wf those aunty lar haha..i leh so guaiguai kum hme to BLOG yaya..
act is oso to see BROWN SUGAR MACCHITO..yays..n to play wu lia0 de games then later gt to finish art..dvlopment thingy which is s00 the SHIT haha..
5)so sucky kan the sk00l gave us IDOITC hm lars..damn shit de..
-math on the internet n txtbk when i nvr learn tt chp b4
-DNT ar..i kant finish the dimensii0ns n the copi a lot the wrksht nvrin kan slowli do haha..
6)i need to do sumthin tomoro haha is to go bac to pri sk00l see my ex mates haha misses then l0ads de lor..send 3 muakies muak mauk muak..eee so s0 xin haha..seein them tml so excited haha..n my fav cher -MC =D lurve her t000...bt s0 dumb lorx the sckool onli allow us to visit till 2.30 kanxx they dem sick de sae is 4 the children safety hahas..suan le beta then nth..
LASTLY..haha happi CHERS DAE to all the chers on EARTH...
mdm siti..
miss lam...
mrs wee...
miss chia...
mr mah!
haha..jy SMILE..see in the end stil so many to write i am realli TALKAtive hahas.
Sadn3ss...N0thin bt sadn3ss
i am feeling DOWN....
arrs dun ask y..act is bc0x of the stupid exams lar bt den hor all the maths n his fault..
i m so sadded l0r.. the math right i tink i am lossiing 11 marks le 11 marks kan..it may mean nothin bt den 4 mi i lke so math a lot leh minus 11 marks is alt lar... =( u kan sae i am vri kiasu bt den i tink i am osos gg to fail my his n eng le lor...die le lar..reaallli dam shit de..wad happen to mi
my grades are lke..
l0rs..damn sad de..aiy0s realli nthmuch to sae onli kan sae jy jy hai shan u kan do it blah it is all rubish lor ... nvm i go sleep den beta lers..thx ml 4 the c0mfort on the bus realli help lots..bt still kant help feeling sad ..i mus chi0ng my art .. dnt..literature..vocab n the ailin thingy damn shit de lor i kant ONLINE le lar..my tyme alt spent in here lehs! nvm..jy hai shan g0g0g0g0...x
oh yar my holi plan drawn out le..yays..nt high at all okies mon n tue gg back to sk00l 4 dnt n then wed gg out with my darlinks la0 po.. srii ed georgina jeantte n edwina kanot attend ur bdae wishin u all earli bdae first!be happy..thurs is lke gg to a place with my favs..haha mb fridae gg with my c0uxxies to out lo yayas...bt u see so fast 1WEEK gone haiss beta take1 dae 4 studiin haha funi as if i will do tt lors..nvm now not time le go learn lit n v0cab beta..haha bl0g realli good i feel beta lers pouriing my sadness all out ...thx bl0g lurv ya i am sia0 >_<
arrs dun ask y..act is bc0x of the stupid exams lar bt den hor all the maths n his fault..
i m so sadded l0r.. the math right i tink i am lossiing 11 marks le 11 marks kan..it may mean nothin bt den 4 mi i lke so math a lot leh minus 11 marks is alt lar... =( u kan sae i am vri kiasu bt den i tink i am osos gg to fail my his n eng le lor...die le lar..reaallli dam shit de..wad happen to mi
my grades are lke..
l0rs..damn sad de..aiy0s realli nthmuch to sae onli kan sae jy jy hai shan u kan do it blah it is all rubish lor ... nvm i go sleep den beta lers..thx ml 4 the c0mfort on the bus realli help lots..bt still kant help feeling sad ..i mus chi0ng my art .. dnt..literature..vocab n the ailin thingy damn shit de lor i kant ONLINE le lar..my tyme alt spent in here lehs! nvm..jy hai shan g0g0g0g0...x
oh yar my holi plan drawn out le..yays..nt high at all okies mon n tue gg back to sk00l 4 dnt n then wed gg out with my darlinks la0 po.. srii ed georgina jeantte n edwina kanot attend ur bdae wishin u all earli bdae first!be happy..thurs is lke gg to a place with my favs..haha mb fridae gg with my c0uxxies to out lo yayas...bt u see so fast 1WEEK gone haiss beta take1 dae 4 studiin haha funi as if i will do tt lors..nvm now not time le go learn lit n v0cab beta..haha bl0g realli good i feel beta lers pouriing my sadness all out ...thx bl0g lurv ya i am sia0 >_<
duun be the sp0iler pls..
my topic todae ar vri fast n short blog cox watchin br0wn sugar macchiato haha..
n i haven eat yet argghs hungry..
todae in sk00l best part is the w8ting 4 ml to kum back tt time haha c0x xue qi n edm0nd hhaha
ok lar wad happen in class todae was edm0nd wanted to see xq eyeswifout specs so he went to take out her specs haha..then she sae arhhg she ran round the class ar..cl0sing her eyes. n i vri bad lor laughing at them n telling jeanete how PEI they 2 ar.haha.
then h0r all of a sudden both disappear ed n xq went to the air c0n class there las tyme the 1b klass i tink then 0mg we dunno wad they doin inside de lor nob0di noe haha..erm onlli the 2 of them lar so ahem ahem*** hhaha..(pls dun sc0ld if u to see these post i am jus statin wad i saw onli)-i m innocent hahas...
okies tt all interesting story n i wan to tell JQ..-u BETA G0 OUT WIF US HOR IF NT U WILL NOE THE C0NSEQUES haha...pls it is onli the 6 of siix larss..
n i haven eat yet argghs hungry..
todae in sk00l best part is the w8ting 4 ml to kum back tt time haha c0x xue qi n edm0nd hhaha
ok lar wad happen in class todae was edm0nd wanted to see xq eyeswifout specs so he went to take out her specs haha..then she sae arhhg she ran round the class ar..cl0sing her eyes. n i vri bad lor laughing at them n telling jeanete how PEI they 2 ar.haha.
then h0r all of a sudden both disappear ed n xq went to the air c0n class there las tyme the 1b klass i tink then 0mg we dunno wad they doin inside de lor nob0di noe haha..erm onlli the 2 of them lar so ahem ahem*** hhaha..(pls dun sc0ld if u to see these post i am jus statin wad i saw onli)-i m innocent hahas...
okies tt all interesting story n i wan to tell JQ..-u BETA G0 OUT WIF US HOR IF NT U WILL NOE THE C0NSEQUES haha...pls it is onli the 6 of siix larss..
sh0ut out l0ud yay..2 pps g0ne..
wad the hell lor todae the eng pp damn sux de..the qns are so shitty shit kan..0mg all the ans all wr0ng lor i almost wan to give up de lor bt 4 the sakke of results bo bian lar..stress i was so piss n shit all the way so scared nt enuff tyme to finish bt then heng lar ..nvm tokin bout this make mi boil..oh yar konfirm will fail de lorx
nvm nxt pp is beta lor although is so damn tiriing de bt then hor wad i memo kame out s0 i was vri happy haha...hpe kan get beta result lor..yayss
best is aft the xams lor haha i tot i was aft exams le haha..s0 we talk bout a lot of rubbish lar haha..bt gt a lot of fun best part is edm0nd sing the benny n xue qi fang pi(FART) ..gt ni guang , jin tian ni yao jia gei w0 n a lot lr haha..damn funni the lor still gt rap.nvm nxt time ask him to sing..damn dia0 haha kant w8 to go out n buy clothes too ..hpe gt a money tree lors shake shake shake..dr0p $$$ haha i am vri lame nvm dream 4 one..haha hu is willing to b my $ tree?
okies i have to go s00n cox hor sissy usi c0m n tt sia0 gurl hor is realli sia0 lor..
altough eng fail bt..
her chinese 74
her sci 92
her math 100 sia0 de lor...
nvm my target t0 b cleverer then hr haha
cc0s she gt the l00k the height s0 i am vri xun de lor haah..
at least i gt brains she is mor bai chi de..i am faster 0mg i am so meean nvm dun karexx
hehe..tt all watch sh0w later
yu le n chinese paladin yarss
nvm nxt pp is beta lor although is so damn tiriing de bt then hor wad i memo kame out s0 i was vri happy haha...hpe kan get beta result lor..yayss
best is aft the xams lor haha i tot i was aft exams le haha..s0 we talk bout a lot of rubbish lar haha..bt gt a lot of fun best part is edm0nd sing the benny n xue qi fang pi(FART) ..gt ni guang , jin tian ni yao jia gei w0 n a lot lr haha..damn funni the lor still gt rap.nvm nxt time ask him to sing..damn dia0 haha kant w8 to go out n buy clothes too ..hpe gt a money tree lors shake shake shake..dr0p $$$ haha i am vri lame nvm dream 4 one..haha hu is willing to b my $ tree?
okies i have to go s00n cox hor sissy usi c0m n tt sia0 gurl hor is realli sia0 lor..
altough eng fail bt..
her chinese 74
her sci 92
her math 100 sia0 de lor...
nvm my target t0 b cleverer then hr haha
cc0s she gt the l00k the height s0 i am vri xun de lor haah..
at least i gt brains she is mor bai chi de..i am faster 0mg i am so meean nvm dun karexx
hehe..tt all watch sh0w later
yu le n chinese paladin yarss
0mg 2 daes to ca2 jia y0u jia y0u

opps..2 daes to exam n i am not studing now c0x..watching campus lor...hopes shaun n keely win kies pls pls ..haha lurv them .. jia you..
keely sing the wo men de ji nian ri omg soo nice kan ..she sing in a r0cker way n her tone is c0 nice arhhs she mus wiin pls oso a chia0 gurl sia haha..
kies st0p the crap..i recently started to dislke this pers0n 0f cox kanot reveal lar..bt i tink tt pers0n vri secretive n i kan0t stop thinking if the pers0n realli hatess mi or nt lar..i kant b bother oso lar c0x dere t so manii other things to tink of other then this idi0tic thing..nvm hehe
oh yar...did i sae i gt a new gor ...hehe desm0nd lorx haha waa keely winning lehs jy
n yar my gor vri good l0r hehe ... oh ya
u noe tt ai qing mo fa shi kuming out aft tian shi qing ren arhhs it is min dow n qia0 qia0 i dun kare i am gg to watch lors it is a nice taiwan 0u xiang ju haha mus watch hor ... sha0 wei quite handsum inside lar bt my fav is still ming dao haha..love him!!!act ok lar..e zuo ju still de best haha..see pics my fav show haha.. niway thx 4 tagging everone haha...vien giv mi ur blog name c0x i dun have ps n thanx
is the fridae les..
actualli realli dunno wad to type lorx bt nvm..todae sit at exam table waa so fast exam kumin lers...sad n scared
my sis lor so clever maths full marks! bt fail eng haixx quite poor thing sad..nvm jiayou kies sissy hahas...thx her 4 helpin mi in the art to stand up cos tt idoitic thing i tried to do 4 1hr n nothin kame 0out so my curii0us sis go n anihow make n she made it stand so easily haiis mb i just dun have tt talent nt my fault t00 haha...
to dae osso when to photoc0py sci notes lor bt sadli i wasyed so much $$$ haixx.. =( bt for the sake of sci i sacrifce a bit nvm de lar...hehe now hearing tian tian quan nice !!xia0 xun v0ice is nice...okies todae is 0so boring dae oso lar i w0ndar how to make my dae nicer?am i to pessimistic or i kant see the happiness i had?y is it when i kum hme i start to feel alone..n sad bt wif my fwens ar0und i feel happi haha mb tt wad fwens are for..sri ml i kanot go on9 le c0x i need to do c0mpo and studi srix enjois ur dae..later gg ah gong hse to eat dinner
happi bt theen i gg to miss my fav show chinese paladin waaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sadded lors..my xia0 yao gor n ling er haiss i am realli sia0 i beta go n eat my maggie is c0ld le haha..
my sis lor so clever maths full marks! bt fail eng haixx quite poor thing sad..nvm jiayou kies sissy hahas...thx her 4 helpin mi in the art to stand up cos tt idoitic thing i tried to do 4 1hr n nothin kame 0out so my curii0us sis go n anihow make n she made it stand so easily haiis mb i just dun have tt talent nt my fault t00 haha...
to dae osso when to photoc0py sci notes lor bt sadli i wasyed so much $$$ haixx.. =( bt for the sake of sci i sacrifce a bit nvm de lar...hehe now hearing tian tian quan nice !!xia0 xun v0ice is nice...okies todae is 0so boring dae oso lar i w0ndar how to make my dae nicer?am i to pessimistic or i kant see the happiness i had?y is it when i kum hme i start to feel alone..n sad bt wif my fwens ar0und i feel happi haha mb tt wad fwens are for..sri ml i kanot go on9 le c0x i need to do c0mpo and studi srix enjois ur dae..later gg ah gong hse to eat dinner
happi bt theen i gg to miss my fav show chinese paladin waaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sadded lors..my xia0 yao gor n ling er haiss i am realli sia0 i beta go n eat my maggie is c0ld le haha..
yar..this s0ng is by l0llipop haha nice hear it
it is frm te show black sugar machiato haha pian wei qu....nice s0ng ai qing ma qi duo....lurv it!
yar it is wednesdae le..
er..act todae in skool is quite boring n it pass super fast!
todae lit cher nvr kum which is s00 gd lorx bt then i slacking all the way hahas bt then c0mm0nt test nxt wk le!!!arhgss s0 laxi that is mi lor ...during tt less0n we lke keep on torturing CS to noe hu is his ah ma erm he gt red..haha mb embarrassed bt then i blieve tt he will nt tell de so haixx nvm leave it to him..c0s if he dun wana sae notin will make him sae lor...bt huever is ah ma is realli lucky c0x CS is vri funi n a gd pers0n lorx haha..he is a good pers0n ! s0 fang XIn i will nt pester CS to telll the pers0n is hu de hahas..
sec0ndli yahs my another la0 po gt her bl0g les..yeah Ml i link her le..!! hip hip ok i am sia0..shit lor art konfirm kanot finish de haven even started and then slacking here lia0s..bt todae wad i wanna sae is still at de back hahas.
actualli edm0nd pressie i 0s0 dunno y he wood guess tt one ..bt i will nt tell wad is it still.i onli hpe this pressie all of us kan make it...bt then i gt one fwen hor vri the inferior kanxx..he lke dun dun wan n den give all reas0ns sae we treating him lke a. tt was so untrue kan i w0nder when he kan take the inferiority off him kanxx i was realli piss lar..we wanted to make it a success so tt everione cood celebrate ed pressie together bt then if he dun go ,it wood b a failure ... actualli we realli treated him as a great fwen kanx bt then he tinks tt we are lke "usin" him...so sad..if c0uld i realli wana tell him that everyone is important everyone is equal...he is oso equally important to us de lor ..we do nt wan him to feel is0lated i am sorri if we have neglected eu bt den u mus noe tt u are are our great fwen t00..haixx hpe u will agree to make ed pressie a success wif us kies..thx.. great fwen br0 bear..
tt alll i will sae todae good enough les haha...nvm
hpe he wood change his mind tml lor hpe u see his gd repli bt a pity he will nt see the post nvm... =(
todae lit cher nvr kum which is s00 gd lorx bt then i slacking all the way hahas bt then c0mm0nt test nxt wk le!!!arhgss s0 laxi that is mi lor ...during tt less0n we lke keep on torturing CS to noe hu is his ah ma erm he gt red..haha mb embarrassed bt then i blieve tt he will nt tell de so haixx nvm leave it to him..c0s if he dun wana sae notin will make him sae lor...bt huever is ah ma is realli lucky c0x CS is vri funi n a gd pers0n lorx haha..he is a good pers0n ! s0 fang XIn i will nt pester CS to telll the pers0n is hu de hahas..
sec0ndli yahs my another la0 po gt her bl0g les..yeah Ml i link her le..!! hip hip ok i am sia0..shit lor art konfirm kanot finish de haven even started and then slacking here lia0s..bt todae wad i wanna sae is still at de back hahas.
actualli edm0nd pressie i 0s0 dunno y he wood guess tt one ..bt i will nt tell wad is it still.i onli hpe this pressie all of us kan make it...bt then i gt one fwen hor vri the inferior kanxx..he lke dun dun wan n den give all reas0ns sae we treating him lke a
tt alll i will sae todae good enough les haha...nvm
hpe he wood change his mind tml lor hpe u see his gd repli bt a pity he will nt see the post nvm... =(
dunno y i mus blog
hihi...todae is another dae where i slack slack n slack lor
everidae so b0ring one bt nvm at least now hor gt tok more to cs lia0 haha he is vri the funi lor
actualli to dae nth to blog one is all c0x of that BK lar ask mi to blog when i dunn0 wad to blog hahas..y am i so guai ar?nvm
s0 stress lor this week gt the stupid art hm need to hand in
n the dnt detail development i dyin lia0
w0rst is gt the CT lar..hate hatehate..it
todae gt IPW n i t00k sum pic on our pr0 hahas
bt mus w8 4 nxt time then i will put up.. bt it is g00na look GROOSSS if it last four the nxt few wks lor..
nvm still pics are nicccccce =)
oh yar toking to jeanette todae she sae waanna go back to ckp bt then hor on tt dae gt aces lar so dumb kan.. it is so SHIT haha nvm gg back to see cher lor miss her lotx
my ex sk00lmate hpe will go bac 0s0 hehe i waanna see them (._.)
ok then to the end i wanna sae those hu read my blog kan leave c0mments or nt even if i dunno u jus leave okies iff kan0t then nvm i will nt f0rce haha..jus wanna see c0mment bt pls no vulgar hor nt welcum here kies..thxkies everyone muahhhhhhhkkkkkxxx. .. .. .. .. xp
everidae so b0ring one bt nvm at least now hor gt tok more to cs lia0 haha he is vri the funi lor
actualli to dae nth to blog one is all c0x of that BK lar ask mi to blog when i dunn0 wad to blog hahas..y am i so guai ar?nvm
s0 stress lor this week gt the stupid art hm need to hand in
n the dnt detail development i dyin lia0
w0rst is gt the CT lar..hate hatehate..it
todae gt IPW n i t00k sum pic on our pr0 hahas
bt mus w8 4 nxt time then i will put up.. bt it is g00na look GROOSSS if it last four the nxt few wks lor..
nvm still pics are nicccccce =)
oh yar toking to jeanette todae she sae waanna go back to ckp bt then hor on tt dae gt aces lar so dumb kan.. it is so SHIT haha nvm gg back to see cher lor miss her lotx
my ex sk00lmate hpe will go bac 0s0 hehe i waanna see them (._.)
ok then to the end i wanna sae those hu read my blog kan leave c0mments or nt even if i dunno u jus leave okies iff kan0t then nvm i will nt f0rce haha..jus wanna see c0mment bt pls no vulgar hor nt welcum here kies..thxkies everyone muahhhhhhhkkkkkxxx. .. .. .. .. xp
i am g0nna faint s00nn...
hihi a long time
although nvr p0st bt still have kum by to see hahas
s0 b0riin everydae studi studi guess tt is wad studs are supp0sed to do..haixx
bt then bo bian lor test nxt wk and i am such kia su so mus chi0ng lar i oso v0mitted aft readin so many bks lorx hatess
in class we change place le..now sitting beside chang shi n raym0nd..
ermm nt bad lar.. bt they reaali quiet and i 0s0 dumb dunno how to start c0nversation..
hehes hpe we kan tok more nx time hahas
n0w doin research 4 dnt l0rs so boring and diff n dumb haixx
aiy0 dunno wad to sae lia0..oh ya
tml is Cassandra, si hui n mei ting bdae hahas
wishing u an earli bdae first muakies smilexx 4eva..
so srii si hui n mt will have pressie bt sandra i nvr buy 4 eu
srii srrii....bt niway happi bdae kkies smiles 4eva..
my bdae pls dun giv mi pressie too or else i will b vri guilt sri horx..
haiss later still need to rread my history n science dyiin s00nnn.
although nvr p0st bt still have kum by to see hahas
s0 b0riin everydae studi studi guess tt is wad studs are supp0sed to do..haixx
bt then bo bian lor test nxt wk and i am such kia su so mus chi0ng lar i oso v0mitted aft readin so many bks lorx hatess
in class we change place le..now sitting beside chang shi n raym0nd..
ermm nt bad lar.. bt they reaali quiet and i 0s0 dumb dunno how to start c0nversation..
hehes hpe we kan tok more nx time hahas
n0w doin research 4 dnt l0rs so boring and diff n dumb haixx
aiy0 dunno wad to sae lia0..oh ya
tml is Cassandra, si hui n mei ting bdae hahas
wishing u an earli bdae first muakies smilexx 4eva..
so srii si hui n mt will have pressie bt sandra i nvr buy 4 eu
srii srrii....bt niway happi bdae kkies smiles 4eva..
my bdae pls dun giv mi pressie too or else i will b vri guilt sri horx..
haiss later still need to rread my history n science dyiin s00nnn.
jus another dae in sk00l 15/7
hihi i miss this BL0g lorx.. bt then life is reallyy busi kanxx always wrk n study lor
bt bo biian i am a kuai kia tt y haha..
todae in skool is lke every dae so FUN c0x have my great fwens n class!!!!!yah
so sad DNT bridge br0ke i tot it would b str0ng n able to stand bt then haixx it br0ke
waaaahhh i almost cry so sad...s0b** bt nvm its ok
another thing edmond bdae kumin s00n n we gt a bigg SURPRISE 4 him haha..guess
bt i will nvr tell it is a SECRET...l0lx w8 4 dat faithfull dae to kum
o i kant w8 damn excited yar..
haixx a little depress c0x my test n hm a al0t n the result is lke dr0p dr0p dr0p
mus chi0ng again so sian n tirred ..bt nvm
yes pon guitar vri the scared cher will sc0ld bt dun kar l0r..practice my self gd enuff hehe jyjy....Go g0 G0!!!!!
siia0 haixx nvm stay hapi n live hapi haha SMILE all dae l0ng muakies ..
2dae in sk00l de m0s fun part is haha...
the edmond sae xq lurv benny de fang pi
haixx so long lia0 bt still tok bout it bt still vri funni esp when edm0nd act it out haha alm0st fainted due to laughing lorx.. bt xq n edm0nd realli jue pei kanxx haha
pls dun bit mi aft see this ********thxxx
shan leaving her loads of RUBBISH bies..
bt bo biian i am a kuai kia tt y haha..
todae in skool is lke every dae so FUN c0x have my great fwens n class!!!!!yah
so sad DNT bridge br0ke i tot it would b str0ng n able to stand bt then haixx it br0ke
waaaahhh i almost cry so sad...s0b** bt nvm its ok
another thing edmond bdae kumin s00n n we gt a bigg SURPRISE 4 him haha..guess
bt i will nvr tell it is a SECRET...l0lx w8 4 dat faithfull dae to kum
o i kant w8 damn excited yar..
haixx a little depress c0x my test n hm a al0t n the result is lke dr0p dr0p dr0p
mus chi0ng again so sian n tirred ..bt nvm
yes pon guitar vri the scared cher will sc0ld bt dun kar l0r..practice my self gd enuff hehe jyjy....Go g0 G0!!!!!
siia0 haixx nvm stay hapi n live hapi haha SMILE all dae l0ng muakies ..
2dae in sk00l de m0s fun part is haha...
the edmond sae xq lurv benny de fang pi
haixx so long lia0 bt still tok bout it bt still vri funni esp when edm0nd act it out haha alm0st fainted due to laughing lorx.. bt xq n edm0nd realli jue pei kanxx haha
pls dun bit mi aft see this ********thxxx
shan leaving her loads of RUBBISH bies..
HaHA the pics 4 todae..at...
us on the BUS haha..lols. =)
hihi i am addicted to tis bloggie man ...sia0 le keep on posting lorx..
my lurves n la0 po pics..chi0 sia..nt mii bt my la0 po h0r!!! lamex
jus now went to swimmin then eat supper haixx shan ar lke this will fat one leh aiy000
bt food mor impo0rtant leh haha bo bian blueh...
pics time haha...
oddish and us (hands)-my la0 pos.. our class dec0 4 national dae nice!!!

i lurve him...bt his nt MINE sad... 10 places that i suggest to eat haha...
hihi i am addicted to tis bloggie man ...sia0 le keep on posting lorx..
my lurves n la0 po pics..chi0 sia..nt mii bt my la0 po h0r!!! lamex
jus now went to swimmin then eat supper haixx shan ar lke this will fat one leh aiy000
bt food mor impo0rtant leh haha bo bian blueh...
pics time haha...
oddish and us (hands)-my la0 pos.. our class dec0 4 national dae nice!!!

i lurve him...bt his nt MINE sad... 10 places that i suggest to eat haha...
yah..change new skiin lia0s
todae i finnalli change my skin lor nt bad .... bt will nt last mi long lor
todae ar...haisxx so boring de celebration lke nth one lor...siian
bt then haha the ZI LIAN gurl n her la0 pos t00k mani fotos haha
i p0st nxt time nt wif mi now ... sadxx
todae aft 10..went to tm n immediately buy tickets to SECRETS haha
i am nt fan of jay lar
bt then after thiis sh0w... i lurve hiim man..when he play the pian0 i almost fainted lor..haha
bt realli pr0s..nvm the ticket was CHEAP*** 8.00 haix de stori was nice..enjois then later walk around haha bt b4 the m0vie mi qi n mei were lke sia0 w0man waling into toysarus ~wadeva to play with those tois haha
so LAME bt den we gt our SICKNESS take the FOTOS haha..we were lke dumbos holding on 2 those tois and pose 4 a nice foto haha
nt bad lar i lurv doin this haha sia0 gurl gurl..w0rst is gt a guy walk past saw us holding on to de tois n posting so were soo ma lu lor hhaahahha summor it is a children place..
todae saw xinyi n qi saw her fwen qia0 they were gd fwens lke us...ye0 realli wurld is soo small lor haha...tt all gt to do math the stupid ace-learning thingy so dumb n the c0mpre even worst..
no tyme lia0 later gg swimmin den tml gg ah ma hse then nxt dae gg out wif cher n class..
cant wait haha...jyjy do ur hm ar..haiss buaiss
todae i finnalli change my skin lor nt bad .... bt will nt last mi long lor
todae ar...haisxx so boring de celebration lke nth one lor...siian
bt then haha the ZI LIAN gurl n her la0 pos t00k mani fotos haha
i p0st nxt time nt wif mi now ... sadxx
todae aft 10..went to tm n immediately buy tickets to SECRETS haha
i am nt fan of jay lar
bt then after thiis sh0w... i lurve hiim man..when he play the pian0 i almost fainted lor..haha
bt realli pr0s..nvm the ticket was CHEAP*** 8.00 haix de stori was nice..enjois then later walk around haha bt b4 the m0vie mi qi n mei were lke sia0 w0man waling into toysarus ~wadeva to play with those tois haha
so LAME bt den we gt our SICKNESS take the FOTOS haha..we were lke dumbos holding on 2 those tois and pose 4 a nice foto haha
nt bad lar i lurv doin this haha sia0 gurl gurl..w0rst is gt a guy walk past saw us holding on to de tois n posting so were soo ma lu lor hhaahahha summor it is a children place..
todae saw xinyi n qi saw her fwen qia0 they were gd fwens lke us...ye0 realli wurld is soo small lor haha...tt all gt to do math the stupid ace-learning thingy so dumb n the c0mpre even worst..
no tyme lia0 later gg swimmin den tml gg ah ma hse then nxt dae gg out wif cher n class..
cant wait haha...jyjy do ur hm ar..haiss buaiss
hehe..H0pe we kan win de recycliing c0m..
hehe..todae hor damn tiring lor..bt den nt bad lar..haha
our pts gt 5000
y30 hpe we kan wiin lor..
nth to do jus talk shit here
gt 2 daes at hme so sianxx bt den my la0pos n sum great fwens hor haha
gt events lorx..
tml...go watch m0viee~SECRET
nxt da...go ah ma hse....
nxt nxt dae...go out wif chi cher class outin ye0..
so slackish bt i dun kare..
mumi sc0ldin lia00
our pts gt 5000
y30 hpe we kan wiin lor..
nth to do jus talk shit here
gt 2 daes at hme so sianxx bt den my la0pos n sum great fwens hor haha
gt events lorx..
tml...go watch m0viee~SECRET
nxt da...go ah ma hse....
nxt nxt dae...go out wif chi cher class outin ye0..
so slackish bt i dun kare..
mumi sc0ldin lia00
a s0ng by wendy n jas0n....
heard this s0ng on utube..bt then nt in ISWAK leh still it is a nice one..
hear it ..
RUBISH Collector...

hhaha realli neglected this blog man 4 such a l0ng time bo bian
al the stupid test lor so sian n dumb nvm lets fail
niway our class this few dae so into RECYCLING
so startled A class entu in such tings haha. even i am SHOCXX lorx
btthen hor..i realli feel very FUN lor
bc0x u wil realli feel lke a galng guni lor hahha bt then hor realli vri the heavy lors
waa get aches everywhere lor haiz..
realli fun exp ..die lar gtg batht then do hm lia0 bb....
i lurv my class
i lurv my lao po~mei lan n Xue qi
i lurve my fwens....
muakies..u r0c my lif thankies
i lurv e zuo ju zhi wen yeah!!!!!!!!
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