

^same height YEAH ^^
^ this is DARN cute ;D esp my sis's DIY glasses LMAO
^ retards :D

went back to dunman on i cannot remember which day(:
but glad to see so many of them there
however ah tan isn't D;
lol everyone seems to be doing well so far ;D
so its awesome! ~
^thanks loads to lynn (: for the photo!! <3

moving on to cny
argh its pretty cold this year
don't ask me why but there is simply no mood.
hahas ~
not much photo taking but still manage to snap some shots :D
aww i can't go og outing with fel and kk they all tomorrow!
but its alright cause i still got my cousins (:
OMG i did a little of my maths today:D
gogogo hs its chemistry tomorrow <3

i wanna go JAM's concert AWW
i wan BIGBANG's posters AWW
-the impossibles.

i wanna catch percy jackson lightning thief(: ask brenda! (:

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