
busy. tight schedules

yoooo its been a week i guess.
i was isolated from computer and it feels great to be here typing again YAY (:
lol. theres a few reason why i havent been blogging.
from the 9th to the 12th i was at chalet with my 9 darling cousins (:
haha friday lesson ended super late at night
thats why i was ddeprived from using the computer.
saturaday n sunday went goat farm & metta respectively.
and i feeel like i cant breathe.
everything is coming so quickly
and its really exhausting to balance both a homework and social life. HAHA ~
pictures next time (: cos im rushing for time now.
going out again for DINNER.
such a busy person :( and i dont if its good or bad. HAHA
next week is not any better : wild wild wet, blood test, doc appointment o.o, mock spa, school.
ARGH. totally occupied -.- {:
but im having a great time.
pardon for not uploading phots on fb for goat farm/chalet (:
im sososos happyyyyy :D

but my poor homework is greatly neglected and affected im kinda worried for it ;/

y is this happening?


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