
the kite runner

^on the way to conquer this (:
well, i have not started simply because i can't get over my sister's keeper still .
it is alright i would get to start tomorrow.
after receiving praises from xue qi about the book i decided to lent it from jeanette :D
haha i am aiming navin's book next but i want jodi picoult's too. :x
mei lan got me hooked up to the tenth circle
indecisive leh.

we have to bring uniform tomorrow for guitar :]
well, then heading for tuition.
gosh i'm very tired :x
today was a blast :(
nvm i shall get a lot of sleep :D
tomorrow its another day that is going to be flying pass really soon.

well NAPFA was satisfying, in contrast, biology mock practical was SHIT.
well , i can never become a chef in future cos i cannot hold a knife to cut stuff properly.
because my ulcers are really hurting.
i am going off. ;x
bananas made it worse.
it was like adding salt to wound.

well i realise i keep asking my parents to fork out $ for assessment books and other stuffs hais.
$ fly fly away~
maybe roosters are not having a prosperous year this year
they keep losing money. :x
& i hate my handphone these days ;(
i keep replying late or not at all ;x gahhh
because i bao ler by tons:'(

gosh, i need aircons.
i can even sweat while im sleepping
haha xD & i feel like some old lady whom can't stop ranting.
hais sorry. :x
i got to go :D
i got a rule :} to sleep before 12
so that...
haha i promised (:

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