
for one more day

jonghyun fever
hello! (:
we received the common test timetable today :(
aww it is arriving super soon. :x
thursday is guitar rehearsal. *cross fingers* hope nothing goes wrong.
we sound kind of unstable ;x

thanks vien for all her clothes
yea and i hate my sister for wearing skinnies prettier then me haha.
she got super long and sexy legs! ;}
i am so envious laaaaa!

today in class saw how edmond and wee kiong style their hair.
LOL so hilarious
especially edmond ng squeeze so much wax LOL. xDDD

hahas xD

sunday come soon (: i miss nigel!


care and share day(:

^jeju teddi lover with wq present (:
^ off to school

^s.h.e (:

^ml ; me "aww fringe separate :("
^me,ml,pz ( round faces :'( )

^so cute its for ml!

^ haha wk & elaine

^pz the best (:
^ hardworking 4a

hello! had a great day. yup sort of. maybe old already , no more energy to PLAY so enthusiastically like before but yeap i got PHOTOS. except i never get to take one with xue qi :( hai hai HAIS >.<
it started with a lazy morning. had a terrible night before. perhaps i have learn my lesson for sleeping late. had leg cramps during the dawn and it was painful. :/ so i sort of overslept haha . but i had a great journey to school with a companion(: yea felt super awful cause i was like so late o.o :( i reached school around 8.30 and jq greeted my with his warm smile. he brought me to buy concert tickets. since it was the last year in school ); , 5 dollars was worth it haha. idled around then went to buy satay with wifeys (: {food} >:) walk walk around then went to watch the concert. i found myself laughing and screaming and gradually felt acute pain in my throat oh my :/ went downstairs to tend the stalls. fried a lot of stuffs. seriously, mei lan is a good cook . she knows when the food is cook and when it is not so. but to me everything looks the SAME. {: me & xq help with the packaging ^^. fried food are really OILY. and it make u feel sticky, sweaty and dirty. gross enough? played enough ler then followed ah tan on "his" car to NTUC. haha chat alot abut poh zhuang and haha. (: damn cute conversation la! {: went back to school chat by the stairs with elaine and peers about a complicating relationship ;x all i can say is BEI JU going to chong yan. i feel so sad for you :(. *cross fingers* hope everything goes well. :x went out to lunch with mei lan and weekiong. I COULDNT find xq she is lost in the school aww! haha. didnt eat cause i was filled up with chicken pie, satay and shrimp roll and fish nuggets hahahahahaha xD after that found us running back to class for biology in avt. i can only say i want to bathe and sleep at the same time. it is AWFUL ;(
and today i saw
SHERMAINE ( she is so cute>.<) HUI XIAN (: EWAN went home to sleep <> , i was glued to tv all the way and to the phone with xue qi
and i realise ai jiu zai yi qi is not bad (: although it is so average. :/ hahas. rainie is cute, i must admit. HAHA {:

whoo it has been a long time since i narrated my story like that. (:

o and i am so jealous of my sister. she went to eastpoint and got her body burnt(sun burn) like chau tar. to shake selina, hebe and ella's hands and she got their signature. haha so lucky yet she say is a painful experience. but i totally envy her lor, she got a CLOSE UP look on the trio. she says they are gorgeous,especially hebe!{: its a pity they disallowed PHOTOs to be taken. so i could only see them through blurred, zoomed in images :/ o ya and i got a lot of people i yet thank (: firstly, wei qing (; thanks for vday choco ;D it is so lovely! secondly, bryan lol my motivationer to study haha (: lastly, my buddies {darlings} made my life in dunman totally awesome and superb (: :DDDDDD

o i don't really like february :x because it doesnt have 29th. :( HOW? lol.* smiles*


trying to salvage my ipod :/
my cell phone lost its sense of VIBRATION. cannot vibrate anymore.
see i have NO affinity with technological stuff. (:
so do not give me electronic stuff to handle because you never know how bad it WILL become.

armed myself with camera already (:
lets hope tomorrow's care and share would be memorable enough :}
because it is my last year already.
i sound SO OLD. :/


tuesday with morrie

i wasn't deliberately leaving my blog dead.
secondary 4 is the busiest, i guess
that is good enough to explain why my blog is peacefully dead (:
this week would be considered a less stressful week :D
because there is only 2 tests i think.

and the late asshole pig (me!)
finally got invited to go for detention for the first time in the year.
and hell, it is only FEBRUARY.
i am definitely entering the BETA record hahas. xD
and i got to apologize to lovely jeanette
if not for me, she would not have entered detention.
better change and sleep earlier.
& it never works
because procrastination
is my BEST buddy!

o yeah recently laying my hands on many English books
and Tuesday with morrie by mitch albom
is GREAT(:
it is really enriching. If given more time i would read it AGAIN.
the language is too abstract and it is kind of difficult to feel how the author was feeling.
but a touching book definitely :D
love each other or perish

moving on,
biology spa is coming up soon.
it is frigging scary OKAY. :(
as long as i don't cut off my fingers :D
chemistry too and followed by physic.

i hope i can enter Chinese remedial so
i do not have to pay extra for TUITION :D
as you can see i love remedial.

CARE and SHARE day is coming up soon.
yeah we are going to COOK or fry you should say.
going to become so OILY & fat la.
and ah tan says he wants a 500 bucks profit
kind of impossible .

this few days you can say problems keep emerging
but i learn to take things in stride.
all i can say is, we are fortunate that we are not close
if not it would definitely hurt now
those harmful comments would not hurt anymore
because they don't mean anything at all.
leave us in peace
that is all we ask for

byebye (:
is this long enough? haha



flunking test week.
never knew i could be this stupid. :/
failing everything.

had night study today.
great time chatting and working.
and i start to detest oily food.
it makes my heart ache and i feel OILY 0.o

xq get well soon :]
haiyo without u tomorrow will be terrible :(
ty ml for today!
pei me go toilet in the dark dark school & eating mac and walking back to school with me.

it was supposed to be a nice valentine's but i destroyed it.

sorry is not a way of making things up.
action speaks louder then words.
maybe its time to do something.
if not when it is gone.
everything would be too late.


If i could


now i am happy {:
if i can get at least 1/4 of the marks,its MIRACLE (:
it is BIOLOGY & PHYSICS time :D

thanks cai shan for BABYFACE-if i could ^^
had a great time talking to youuu :D

if things could stay this way
hectic yet peaceful
stressful yet happy

如果不停的走 就能走進你心裡 找一點點感動

^RANDOM but i miss Korea :x


permission to fly

hello again (:
here to recommend songs ;}
going mad over them soon!
my mind is full of songs and it clogged up my entire mind
that i don't have any more space to think of what to blog.
im very sorry.
life this week is as usual a deadly routine. -boring-
school+study+test+homework+cca = 24hours of my time :O

<3 martin johnson (:



head pain ; heavy head. ARGH!

it feels as if it had been centuries since i came back here.
life these days are impossible to be pen down.
i hit my bed only 1 in the morning and take naps till 7pm.
a perfect nocturnal animal . -.-
my meals each day are so irregular that i am pretty sure that the gastric juices would wear my stomach away.
and even better i don't have to eat anymore. HAHA (:
feeling tired in class also became a more common sight :x
i need to revert my lifestyle back to normal !
argh what is normal? =.=

the BEST thing is i am having 6-7 TESTS next week.
bet no one can beat me HAHA.

but i shouldn't be that bad cause most are my favourite subjects
o i sound like a pervert -.-
except geography. seriously i hate GEOGRAPHY.
it is so difficult to understand those bloody trends for food.
:O suck in that BADLY.

it is worrying, i am getting insomnia every night :/
dreaming of my books too much :x

i miss my mum's cooking ):
takeaway food just sucks.

saving up more time for you.