
DEPRESSION creeps in....

DEPRESSED SADDED these are the only w0rds i could think of.
mum is unhappy wif my results obviously mi t00.
although there are many things anger frustati0ns i wanna talk bout.
bt then suan ler.
DEPRESSED mi ~ all thks t0 my sucky results.
anw it is all my fault still.
if i had put in more eff0rt it would not turn out s0 badly .
tml is another r0und of hell.m0re disastrous results returned..
waaaa... sad sia...
ml so clever ! u did vry well! JYJY =)))
xq che3rup! u are not that bad lor.. JYJY =))
j0anne also cheer up =)))

ok tt all. bye bye i so sad..

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