^ not my photo. its from facebook really cute really applicable.
Supposed to be sleeping now but can't seem to get a matter off my mind. its annoying but hard to put it to words. how should i say. When someone criticizes me i hate it (not the person but the matter or action of doing it) genuinely hate it or triggers my anger button because it hurts my pride? i know it yet you have to amplify it? i don't need u to teach me how to do my things? u are someone i hold dearly to? i feel embarrass ? or because i'm finding excuses for myself and trying to hide the matter beneath the blankets? yeah. all this should be the reasons why i was feeling depressed, unconfident, angry, ridiculous, skeptical. I question the motive for the criticism. Is it the truthfully wanting the best intentions for me to change for the better or simply just ranting and my matter just gave you the best opportunity to do so. And how much criticism is healthy dose? I guess its Subjective and depends on what matter it is. But if I actually felt quite insulted by the harsh remarks used does that mean the criticism has gone overboard? What if its because of the criticism plus other actions that someone did that made me decision biased? Its often questions like this that i never anticipate hits me and i go nuts trying to find an answer that would be fair for both parties. Its like the RIGHT or WRONG question i once mentioned. Who draws the line and be the judge to tell u if you have gone too far overboard of fine? Theres no law in two people's relation with one another. Just how much would one sacrifice compromise or even change just so as the bond between them never gets broken even if the change seems unreasonable or simply NO reason for them to do so. whoops jumping from criticism to change.
Well typing this doesn't give me any answer but it kinds of sort out my thoughts better and more importantly deposit these feelings in this chunk of words that hold them as secret so i don't have to carry an extra burden with me till similar incident occurs and remind me of this again. So i guess the answer wouldn't be coming from me alone cause it has to depend on the other party too.
whoo its a FRIDAY tomorrow! my class ladies are playing BBALL !

well, Nursing's awesome cause i can't can't wait for the SUMMER EXCHANGE PROGRAMS + OCIP TRIPS :> At least i got dhopps and danzpeople for now -satisfied- :}
Forgot to give special mention to my all time favourite GD (:
well that talented man just released two really awesome music. SWAG+STYLE (: rare to hear his smexy voice in That xx plus his super attitude yet addictive rap in One of a kind. why does he keep getting better only? tried not to be bias but this two songs are really good high standard hahas. love his crazy mv as always :D and his grins that never gets exhaustive. (: strive to improve like him :D
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