^ went to catch the fireworks with loved ones :)
its really calm quiet and peaceful at 12am.
loves (: NDP2011
^ ever since my micky was lost it was replaced with pooh.
havent found a name for him but everyone in class loves squeezing him ;(

^ its abi's birthday today. :) really proud how van can prepare the shirts for her!
it was a heart warming feeling back to mozart back to guitar meetings
i didnt realise how much i miss those times till i stepped back in again :D

this was my jts :D cute right 2 generations coming together.

i love swensen's ice cream buffet ! and jia hui xD
^ NDP buffet.
ate like 1001 sashimi :D
the meet up was the most important part but u know there is like something missing(?)
we are not that talkative as before
more kept to ourselves more barriers!
i need a holiday with them soon :(
^ pretty sister rare occasions where im willing to lend her my geek specs :D
dont we share resemblance?
i insist we do ! :D
currently there is nothing much going on in life now
but there are still moments are worth living for.
Its like 83 days to A levels. o_o
yeah study hard work hard like crazy cause there is only like 9000 vacancies in uni when 20000 people are fighting with u for those places.
never felt so kiasu before in my life!
i know i don't want to taste that bitter feeling of regret cause it will eat me up inside and
No one can ever cure that feeling i know that.
Shall use photos to summarise my life :)
and hang in there :D
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