^ mardi gras
school event. From my vague memory ,i reached home at 12.40 am that day! :x
tsk tsk me crystal and andres were rushing like mad dogs to catch the last train
gah haha!

^ power of love concert 3!
yun xing had to leave for her dinner :'(
so i went supper with lorraine amy and alan
awesome bitching session :D

^ they are nice jump shots but unglam ones ): !
We went pulau ubin to cycle.
i have never been there to cycle so its a pretty good experience :D
rocky roads & prone of accidents- not exactly the best impression to leave for the maiden trip but the beautiful nature and fresh air is definitely the worth for a visit!
hey yo
my dad banned me from the computer that explains why i hadn't blog
i'm in the midst of recognizing c.n blue members and ss501 members.
because of hyun jong and yong hwa i have been mixing them up like crazy.
Moreover, xq and gen intro-ed me to them simultaneously. Since they bear some sort of resemblance its hard to not mix them up lol!
i like LOVE LIGHT :D
and recently i'm going a little crazy about the guys in god of study! :D
baek hyun and chan doo is like OMG so cute !
My sis was following the drama so i tagged along sometimes ;D

o there is GLEE tonight :D!
my dear , we are slowing dancing in the burning room
My pretty cousin ( li ting ) has a blog ;D!
its time for catching up with her too :}
My blue slippers are so pretty thanks to tigger's lao ba :D
jodi picoult's the pact is great :D

^ stole it from jy's blog ;D
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