
Twilight Movie

call me a laggard or what so ever.
i completed the twilight movie -just-. (;
seriously, it is a great feeling.
though the book is much more preferred but when it is screened in the movie,
the feeling is just different. kind of difficult to express.
guess i am falling in love with stephanie meyer's books once again

o yeah i should start worrying if i am able to complete those homework.
but it is great news that i will be seeing those kids again tomorrow.
o man i love them (:

o yeah i am also desperate for Toradora last episode.
well it is a TAIGAxxRYUUJI ending yeah?
i just love it xD
cant bear to let it end.
yayaya (:

lastly,happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to Vi-vien
happy birthday to youuu (:
i love you. sweet 17.(;

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