

u get what u believe :D
i read blogs and realise everyone thought that the workshop wasn't that bad.
in fact i learnt much from there.
lol, proudly to announce that i was one of them who got swollen eyes the next day.
it was really bad.
it was like getting beaten up. HAHA
grr actually i have half hour to BLOG and now 7 minutes D;
tsk tsk tsk.
proudly to say my goals are set, i know who i am and i believe success and i am grateful for whatever i have and be a VERY VERY positive person. (:
so go for it (; u never know how much it benefits u untill you try it yourself. :p

o tomorrow getting chinese results
if i dont do well i am dropping HMT i guess D:
hais. but those getting all the results must be feeling a million times worst (:
JIAYOUS to yang yang vien & gerald (: haha moral support ^^

i am going to complete what i left out last week
physic,chemistry,vocab quiz ...

i give it is impossible to blog with msn darlingS chatting (:

i would like to type longer but dont know what to add on (:

and i became a fan of jeanette aw with jiayi! (:
she's so PRETTY

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