

super junior EHB. this one recommended by cassandra (:
FORENSIC HEROES rocks. A few more episodes to go.i want the 2nd season [:
i had a very filling day. It was so packed and i had no time to breathe. lol
but had great time finishing it! >.<>
totally neglected someone's call and sms-es.
felt guilty and sorry and sad :'(.hais i promise i will never do that again hahas.

i want to watch 我的亿万面包(lob) n many many shows.
tomorrow i will be free. finally(:
so i can sit down peacefully to continue revision plan / a math sums ( as if i can)

okay bye.(:
my washing machine was shaking so badly 
and i was so afraid clothes would just fly out 
and explode -.-
argh blogger siao ler :x

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