

LOL. i doubt you wanna see O.O
but im still going to put it :D
because i wana IMPROVE!and clinch my $500 for FYE :)
and get my TKA hahas (:
eng-58.2 >:(
chi-62.2 >:'(
e.math-34/40 :/
a.math-36/40 :)
bio-42/50 >:P
chem-34/50 :'(
phy-39/50 :D
ss-9/12 :)
geo-12/18 :)

thats all :).
hmm oh ya yest had fun sms-ing WQ and XQ :)

but so sad now i had to officially say bye to my phone. :(
im nt touching it i SWEAR :P.
so dont bother to sms me ,cause i will not be able to reply.
my SINCERE apologieS! :'(
fcuk lar. the camera function broke down and the MUSIC PLAYER is underfunctioning =.=
btw there is P.E tml HIPHIP YAYA ! *cheers*

i really love sitting at my current place hahas :) *hugs*
koko, momo, heng housefly, wan wan ! :D LOLXD O.o hahas
okay, hmm get me hana yori dango MOVIE pls! i want it alot.a lot. :)
haha finally finishing season1!=.=
aww SA. finishing in 2 epi! @#$%& :(
Opps i forgot bout itazura na kiss :'( argh
okkay bye, hs going to ahem MUG *__*
shes enjoying her school life yeah! diao =.=!!!

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