

wa super full now :)

JUST finished my dinner :D
LOLXD today stayed back for rehearsal.
happily watching tv and blogging :D.

hmm today rehearsal for speech day.
rather disastrous. hahas
i love the air-con in the hall so SHIOK -ed hahas.:P
the first time we went up was erm. not nice at all :D.
bt then it became better:)
miracles do happen :D
JIAYOUS guitar :]
all the other CCAs were great too :D.
eeyer lar tml must wear the actual cl0thes f0r speech day =/freaks *

today ms ong was talking bout something nice :]
THE DARK KNIGHT. lol the movie review.
and damn it.it tempted mi so much
tt i want to watch it. i need to watch it!
i love the JOKER :D. his make-up is marvellous.
OMG im going mad ;)))

just now going home,
LOL we (mi and ml) were bitching seriously BAD.
omg can someone slap my mouth for mi hahas :X.
anw hahas today guitar had FUN ;D
talk talk laugh laugh wif wk ml xq chris hahas :D
and i gt dementia so i cannot remember those great conversations ;P

当你不再 非他不可

pard0n for posting arjoe pics again.s0rRyy bt im crazy over them :B
so see it too :} they are so lovely that it makes u feel loved :D

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