

ok imeem is so laggy hahas.
findin a s0ng =)and i found it =)
lol came back frm math olympaid.
i walked wif mei ting again hahas
s0 qia0 can! lol.
today during pe is lke JUMPing exercise.and i jump only 151 ~ sad rite hahas
wth my leg still hurting seriously lar.
is either my muscles are 0ver stretched if not my leg got problem =XX
if tml still pain i go see doctor hahhas lol.
tml still gotta go school fer extra physic less0n.
ok it it sian lar.
bt then fer the sake of physics i shall put in more eff0rt lor. hahas
frm ml blog during pe gotta sing song ~ s0 diu lian de lor . ah tan bully us =X
hahas lol >.<
then lke wa classes are in seri0us trouble hmm.
jus hope things woold get better fer 3b! they v. ke lian hais.~tr0ubles.
ok later watching my RECORDED deathnote heheh=)))
b4 i go
happy belated bdae to myDADDy!
and happy bdae kor! :D

okies g0 watch show and chi0ng hw ler !

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