0k yest was a total 0f 14 hrs
sia0 de...
cause the day b4 i slept at 12
s0 next day damn n0 energy kan..
heng got jeanette sis send us t0 sch00l...
g0 school assemble sumppl straightening their hair..
then g0 change int0 the black unif0rm and slack slack till 9 when uncle lim comes..
den practice a while ..g0 canteen eat lunch at 11am
hahas ..mi and xq eat a LOT. ml leh nvr eat hahas nvm at least she gort her BREAD!
ok then b0ard bus ler.sit half n hr to reach there.almost VOMIT hahas c0s eat t00 much..
when reach there carry things here and dere and in that stupid shoes my leg ache lke wth.then practice on stage once only.others lke practice 2 times we the slackest..
went to eat dinner hehe the f00d is LURvED. sausage c0rn and chicken! =)
after that went back to dressing r00m gtta draw make up PUKE **
although ms wan help mi draw quite nice. heng the blusher not lke babboon butt
i dun lke make up so uncomfy.
then while waiting fer the rest to make up. hehe we telling ghost stories from ms thong..lol chris ~junior lke scared da0 hahas .ps la then jia jing also say somemore aiy0 scary...hehe
b4 go up stage was scared da000 heart pumpED PUMPed swety palms..
bt not bad lar 0verall was OK except tocatta haha nt nice de bt nvm gd enuff hehe
lol... then chang was kia kia gotta play solo bt turn out ok hehe everyone did great.
den went back to holding r00m then lke everyone started taking f0tos haha click here and dere~~ haha =)) later see the fotos
b4 finale we went to get ready bt so many enc0re and den suddenly za started to cry aiy0! SENIOR , junior will miss u der hais hahas =)
yest saw lots of fwens.~xinli si hui edwina lynn weiqing vien =) chang shi -e.g yi wei hahas then kor also n debbie also haha so many ppl...
went hme tt time on the bus gt eer xin the cockroach lke wth so sick.
then senior step on it and yu qi catch it omg ..
3 claps fer her i cannot stand cockroaches. yuck hahas.
go back school heng gt green tea bt gotta arrange guitar in a r00m bef0re we g00 hme BOO.
by the time g0 hme already 11.00 heng still have bus hehe =)
~DELETEd ~ haha nth
then go hme sms and then see pics then sleeep till 10.30 today haha.
my hw leh die la and i DUN CARE hahas =) ;D.
so long nvr type so long ler =))..
had fun yest and HAPPY belated BDAE VIEN !!!! =P
so pretty yest ! hahs.
bye bye
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