
jus bloggiing l0rx...

hehe..hihi todae skool ends earliy so nth much to do jus bl0g lor
dun wan to make it a USELESSS one wad so blog a short one haha
er..todae n0rmal lar..
start class wif that ART l0r so dia0 n boring leh SIAN almost sleep lar..
cher ask us to draw use imagination so draw lor ..n sum ppl one gt chosen yu quan one was so nice lor so artistic kan..bt he kept telling mi how much he hated art and blah blah blah
jus bc0x he is gd at dnt and then cher praise him bt then art cher sc0ld him so he vri de bu SHUANG haha...2 bad lar...
then later is his although quite boring bt then mr mah is cute l0r haha
so sian nus do the his qns...nvm suan le
then RECESs yeah eat eat munch ...
bt i onli gt tt pathetic bread to eat nvm 4 skinny purpose bo bian =p
aft tt is math waa.. todae cher a bit sia0 l0r she vri mad at the counseller cox they nvr kum take her test bt then i tink hor nt their fault lar nvr see her so angry b4 scary sia haha...nvm 0ver
bt poor admond n raymond lor gt ma dao SIA0 ...haixx
eng n sci is so sian nth to tok bout haha...
then the worst one kums the ORAL yucyucyuc it is so shit lor
skip my lunch bc0x of tt haha...in the end i speak lke an idiot lor no good man ..si lia0 nvm die den die....wen to lib to find my la0 po~shee n lan haha
bt then later haha lan de nan ren kam haha so qia0 lor YUAN FEN LARX haha
then all his fwens keep yw yw yw haha i keep on laughing lor..ml damn bu shaung haixx...
nvm lar.. will b 0ver soon lor...then later wanna go kanteen 4 lunch guuess wad..
wash fl00r haixx shuai xia n00 food to eat lorr..so i bought PILLOW to eat hai..eat till wanna PUKE yucx..nvm then kum hme imediatlii bl0gg see so gd haha mus do hm..
nxt wk so mani test hais sian sian n xia jy ....tt all bbie biie go watch yu le n eat HUNGRY

there is no turn back since the dae u left mii wad gone has been gone 4eva
wad u left mi is onli memories tt has to be erased c0mpletely n forgettin eu has made mi gg hell s00n ... bt it is the onlii best way so i had to live wif it....


n.0 one...

haha...lol lol lol
i made a bloggie finalli l0r after thoughts n thought haiss i still want o make a bloggie lor ...
bt then onli scred not time to post l0l
sadzz lar...
bt then without these i scaredi kanot find sumone to POUR out all my VOmit
oh ya
mus intro first
i am shan
la..shrt form
er..lurves to hu shi luan xiang..a zhi lian gal n watch tv lorxx
if nt i will die
......................................i 0s0 lurv my friends lols...my la0 p0s ~shee shee n a lan all so cute haha....up till here n i LURVES e zuo ju zhi wen...hhaha favs i am 0s0 sia0
u to here need to go n do math and decorate bl0ggie lia0...
tt alL bies

~~if onlyis able to turn back i would not have done such a stupid mistake..