Little updates here and there
Im not sure if my brain can recall everything at once too.
My brain is like a thick file with my many many folders
and the folders have headings like eh family, dance, school, friends.
And everyday i have to use my muscle memory to keep them updated.
Most of the time i forget them easily because there are too many folders . haha.
so blogging is my "meeting" where i pick up the folders and pen them down manually so they don't get erased in the midst of my busy life.
Yesh this was when i was craving for a japanese meal and we went to MOF for the second time
I'm always happy when i got there cause the food is good and the portion is big too :D
so i'm always willing to pay the price after meal. Plus there was 30% off on the second meal so i believed we saved quite a bit !!!!
Sorry guys and more food to come. This was with Predators opp TJ. They sell cheap and very delicious food which singaporeans love ! Heaven !!!! haha the polaroids have very funny stories behind them hehe Being with the predators i always feel like theres nothing to fear and always take the risk. And they always prove that its worth taking the risk HEHEHE wheeeee good food good company hehe but i dress so cui that day la -_-
The photos above are at din tai fung !!!!! awwww awww awww. whenever i walk past it and see people queuing i would be like " I MUST TRY THAT ONE DAY" I tried it ONCE and afterwards never had the chance again. So i'm so glad sy and pearl asked me out for lunch at this awesome food paradise :))) though the food arent the most expensive items BUT THEY STILL TASTE SO GOOD :'D heheheheh. bliss ~
My first happy folder for the day !
O level results are out woohoo.
My sister and my cousin did well woohoo that calls for double happiness. (doesnt sound very enthu lol)
Not entirely about the grades as most importantly they are able to move a step closer to where they want to be. I wish them all the best. And for my sister, lol i pray hard for her in TJ. HAHAHA.
Ahh in the next folder hmm let me see ah its sad.
Well school is starting the day after tomorrow!
Fret not i'm ready :D hehehe took the entire afternoon to settle my nursing lecture notes and stuff. Glad that i'm getting faster when organizing because they seem so familiar to me already ^^ can't wait for maternal and child health nursing totally. Emitting all the womanly instincts. lol All the mods sounds pretty interesting too WHEEEE very happy.
Starting on nursing FOC too! whoots its first time taking up a leadership role, sometimes im seriously unsure about my decision and need a lot of reassurance but i hope people just come sign up for ogl so i dont have to go around begging people to join HAHAHA. But yeah, for now its still pretty exciting planning. Feels likka boss hahaha i'm kidding i rather just listen to orders so i won't have to think. meh lazy. HAHAHA can't wait for camp to happen!!!! (: so i guess it ain't that bad too right !
Getting the tickets
Big big ship for display haha
The entrance looks empty haha but the inside is full
Love the ceiling at the maritime museum
Good boy getting his passport chop!
Fishies riding on sting ray :DDDDD
the magnificent view BREATHEE
Entrance :D
so many entrance lol
Jellyfish with fishmaw tail
my fav eel !! giant mooray !!
shark sea
my souvenir ~
The giant king crab
like that its black :D
NEXT!!! Visited the S.E.A aquarium with dear FINALLY.
initially i was still worried if the trip ain't gonna work out for us because of many man conditions.
But yes because both of us really want to visit the place, it worked :)
I'm not going to post much photos cause firstly it's gonna spoil the excitement, secondly the fishes are in constant motion so u know when a sony xperia tries to take a photo in laggy night mode the photos turns out all shakey, blurry and you would probably ask me if thats a fish or a black stone. So to save my self and my phone from further embarrassment i shall challenge myself to use my words to provoke imagination hahaha (since i gotta take an eng mod anyway)
overall i liked that place. I have given some friends my take and review on the aquarium.
I paid $29 for the entrance fee and i was entitled to view the sea aquarium and maritime museum.
well i thought we had to paid for the maritime museum but since it was free, it felt like a gain to me :)
All the decor and exhibits were beautiful so i couldnt stop snapping pictures. And i was like "dear here come take a photo here" or " help me take a photo with this and that" i was literally running left and right making sure that everything is stored in my xperia! well, my favourite part about the maritime museum was this typhoon theatre ( love things happen when i least expect them) and also the stamping of ' passport' when we travelled from a country to another. the stamps were not the usual kind its damn cool. It imprints some image onto the paper and tada i love it. I do read the facts too but when u are on a field trip hahah my brain isn't in the switched on mugger mode. So i only remembered snippets here and there.
Moving on to the sea aquarium, at the entrance the travellator (?) wasn't in use so we had to walk. But its alright since i would prefer taking my time scouting for fishies. hmm i would say i was more amazed by the maritime museum than the sea aquarium perhaps my expectations for the aquarium was tooo high to be met. haha. but nonetheless the view was magnificent you have to be there to witness it, it can't be taken in photos (maybe not in my xperia) hahaha. well what fascinates me most was the view when the fishes rode on the sting ray around the aquarium. whoo i swear i was running after the sting ray. they totally reminded me of nemo :D it was so damn cute. i like how they built steps (terrains?) for public to seat, while simply enjoying the view. so calming soothing and relaxing ! hehe the other sea creature that amaze me was the mooray eel. Its so deeply etched in my mind that i still remember its name and its friend's names. haha personally, im not a fan of it. BUT ITS HUGE OH MY GOD. they just swim and snug into some hole and await their prey. they look like huge snakes o_o haha AND AND there were so many dory in the aquarium :DDDDD but barely saw nemo haha ! well the different species of jellyfish were cute too especially the one with tentacles like fish maw and the other which cant flip themselves over hehe. oh oh and the giant spider crab which is also available in underwaterworld. i always think they look like the creatures in harrypotter and often wonder how spider and crab can form such amazing amalgamation. Whoo and the tigerfishes that live in the mangrove area. Their teeth is so sharp :O. haha and there is this fossil living creature that is exactly in a fossil shape and doesnt uncurl itself when it moves. it looks like some pokemon -_- haha sounds so dumb i know but thats the only thing i could relate too. And i remember saying how i wouldnt try sea cuccumber when i saw how black it was. hahaha Whoo not bad i learnt quite a fair bit. but well there were no dolphins and the sharks were limited. Maybe they are still slowly growing up. Got ourselves some CHEAP (really cheap) souvenirs and postcards too :D kekeke. shall visit the underwater world one next time !!

Time for dinner ~