I'm doing my biology now. haha
but i cannot concentrate at all cuz my fingers kept crawling to mac-ky ^^
well, this week is so routine
i carry mac-ky to school all day, i do pw all day, i practice guitar till fingers sore every day!
fatigue, exhausted, tired D;
I guess i don't deserve a rest UH!
i neglected u sooooo much :((((((((((((((((( AHHHHHHHHHH
but i will work hard :D
saw an improvement in grades :)
IM PROMOTING :D I GUESS *phew* with gross grades though. :/
not an improvement that is worth mentioning but something really significant and assures me
so im GONNA DO BETTER for next year :D.
at this juncture of the year, i guess its the most depressing.
we have to bid goodbye to some whom were there with me during the year.
they have tried hard but still leaving in the end.
in this way 18/10 is not complete anymore.
its a heart wrenching sight.
good luck in future endeavors guys!
i'll miss ya.
Today, we had a class desert at odders(?)
my gracious teacher paid for all the ice cream we ordered.
pretty nice :D
the Durian flavored especially ! ~
well well well did i mentioned that my T.O.P's movie is coming out tomorrow?
gonna watch it no matter what soooooo
i can droooooooooool
the whole way ^^
kwon and gain never fails me :D
can't wait for their trip to jeju!
go ADAM! :D
goodnight * _*
i wanna watch personal taste