

^ BASKIN ROBINS ^^ bigbang (:

back from malaysia (:
previously, i was too lazy to blog.
pardon for the lousy english or grammer because i have lose all my vocabulary powers.
haha i have forgotten how to use them at all.
my mind now i a piece of blank its like SHIT.
all i know is to PLAY / have fun and laze around ):

mummy bought brilliant legacy OMG i cant wait to start LEE SEUNG GI ~ here i come ^^

OMG fly me to korea i want to watch BIG BANG's 2010 concert ):
its like totally impossible .
it breaks my heart so damn hell much.
ARGHHHHHHHHHHH, nvm i will buy their dvds and support them D:
omg *heart shatters*

whatever, distractions and distractions this post never ends.
o yeah here is the long over dued photos
really sorry ):
ENJOY XD cos its really pretty ;D

o ya and ko3 is not bad :D
the characters are awesome and cute ;DD
crying over liu bei tomorrow damn he is leaving ):

and merry xmas (:

o and and must catch AVATAR. you will love it. definitely chop chop guarantee confirm!(;


chalet with cousins

^germs& laris sweet huh ^ germs hugging her tabu ;D
^germs,rach,sissy & me
^ me wearing laris specs and he wearing mine LOL

it feels so great to be home :D
the chalet is awesome,fantastic,great,lovin' it any positive words can be used to describe it
enjoyed thoroughly, the only regret is that vien & louis did not join us ): so it wasn't a complete one.
well, the chalet was very physically challenging. i did every sport u can find there. (:
badminton,basketball,arcade,swimming,pool,cycling,gym-ming , dancing to gee, mahjong, bowling & of course a lot of EATING (: every sport comes with a sumptuous meal ^^
totally love the jumbo's man tou :P and the steamboat ^^
i will not forget the tete-tete with rosy and laris
and dancing to gee with germs, sissy & rach
haha and the sleeping together on the flat mattress at night
not forgetting sweeping the ants or killing them -.-
so i totally in love with it & them :D

rach is coming over later :D
painting our nails together and watching you are beautifully simultaneously
there is another chalet next week :D
a short one with wifey & friends
its gonna be awesome too you bet :D
so in love with playing through my holidays.

^seung ri baby <3



i have been real busy again these days (:
yesterday,went to pasir ris park and caught a movie
at pasit ris park, there were rachel, germaine, sissy and me.
initially, we were playing the p***** game from 500 days of summer
afterwards,camwhored and sang korean songs ;D and dance.
so stupid ,dumb and yet cute. i am going to grasp gee NO MATTER WHAT :P
after that bought tix for movie.
HMM. its 10 bucks o.o & we were situated at the 2nd row.
the movie was yeah i like it but not going gaga over it. there is the touching and thrilling moments but still lacking of something that is unexplainable but the graphics are great cool awesome :D
next zoo it was damn exhausting but fun
sad never see so many animals :( but still a great day today :D
cos i see nigel LOL no la ~ hahas
^see the caps x)


you are beautiful

hello :DDDD
yesterday went job hunting with ml (: wished that xq tag along too D:
by the way, cannot blog much here because i am rushing to watch a new k drama i recently HOOK onto (:
okay initially i thought the guys looks ordinary but the girl (park shin hye) is really to adorable to look like a man (:
though the story resembles coffee prince/hana kimi/ boys over flowers
this is a good one too xD
amazingly, all the cast caught my attention. As each episode proceeds, i LOVE them more and more.
and hong ki's really cute inside (:
the main actor too but it takes a longer time to realise his charm but still CHARMING XD
shin woo (dont know real name) really reminds me of hyun jong in bof so kind and warm (:
okay thats all. haha
o ya another interesting k drama is the city hall.it is starred by the actress in my name is kim sam soon. trust me, she never fails to make u LAUGH till you cry (: i love it.
lucky i had it on mio :DDDDDDD
i LOVE kdrama and kpop (: WHEEEEE
going out later to meet jia xin to buy guitar o.O (:
cant wait for thurs cause i am meeting my lovely germs,rach,laris and sissy (:
i finallyyyyyy threw all my stuff(books :D) AWAY.



hello :)finally back after the very super busy past few days.

glad that rosy is back (:
we had steamboat together and watched hilarious videos on youtube :D
laughing like hell.

during graduation party, i regretted not taking photos with teachers like what si yuh did.
hahas, i think i was too lethargic to think anymore.

prom was definitively a night to remember(;
i was clapping and laughing all the way and totally neglected my 7 course dinner
damn it in the end i only ate 1 course ._.
however it was worthwhile.
as everyone was spontaneous and we all thoroughly enjoyed the night (;

for the class chalet i felt really sorry.
so I'm willing to pay the 4 bucks if necessary :x
well,xq and i roam tm yesterday and we kept spilling our incessant boredom to each other
we were totally clueless about what to do for the rest of the holidays
so i was thinking we need a job soon .real soon.

Alright i got to get going.
i am so DAMN BUSY doing house chores today :D
see ya (:



F.L.U.N.K chemistry. it is such a disappointment
its alright i shall cast that unhappy thought out of my mind since its all over.
o gosh dark grey skies hovering & deafening thunder. i smell rain :/
I just ended my date with xueqi (: we went to eat big breakfast. no luck with the monopoly thing. D;
lol since i never was a lucky person.
then walk around the mall & caught a movie -my sister's keeper.
wasn't as great as the book definitely but we were shedding silent tears which are countable. lol
now heading to second date with (: yan mei.
please don't drench us & my pocket just burnt a DAMN HOLE x.x ouch. :/
okay i'm running late.

stupid chem stupid chem
i HEART chem NOT. ):



o'Levels have yet complete and i am here already.
super guilty.
btw, rosy i updated
i can't wait for tomorrow to arrive.
it would be a fulfilling week next week. you bet.

i HEART chemistry -,-
gotta go touch it now (:


The Reader

i dont feel like blogging anymore and i ought to stop it (:
cause my entire mind is filled with a maths papers that we had promise ah tan to finish.
i am falling behind and its time for catching up :D
so com shall wait :]


after sending rosanne off the next day i was hit by fever.
everyday i would be wishing the next morning when i wake up, five months had gone by already.
vien's post is really nice (: totally tearing me up over again.


o yeah, pk taught me lots about FEVER.
now i feel more knowledgeable haha & totally awed.


its great news that biology extra lessons are cancelled (:
so i can watch my zettai kareshi tonight ;D


my dears, i got so many confessions to make
i don't know where to start from.
i really love REMEMBERING SUNDAY by all time low (: && FACEDOWN


now my head is throbbing again.
till then blogger ^^. <3>do you trust what you see?


off to wash my shoes that have not been washed since the start of the year {;
haha ~( i think this is the prettiest post i ever had :O)


likeable or not

LOL i am enjoying the korean show on channel U.7pm
i know its stupid but its so heartwarming and cute(:
even pk likes it ;x hahahahahah!
later i am going to watch guo ji jiao yi suo.
i believe its one of the best (: its so hilarious and amusing :D

o gosh COMPO;CHEMISTRY;GEO;A MATH ;O i don't think i can finish tonight :(

rosy's leaving soon ;(
though she is coming back real soon.
but there's still only 8 of us for the time being :(
im gonna miss her much. we are going to miss her
so im sending her off tomorrow! around 1am?!
haha school? - HACKCARE la (:
but the great thing is rach and germy is coming my house for dinner EVERY NIGHT (:

byebye (:
i wan ariel& jam's album :D
damn it i cant post a photo^&&*&^*&&^$#$^#&*^



hello (:
everyone is worrying about it.
regardless its because of unfinished hw/ test/teachers/friends
everyone will have this feeling of uneasiness?
haha i feel BUTTERFLIES in my tummy :x

i hate my bangs ;x
so short.
never mind i can laugh at someone tomorrow tooo :D

aiya my revision die already.
i still have half a Chinese compo left ;/

okay retarded post ;x
o ya link laris (:



^ cant wait for his mini album cause he looks really nice in the cover (: gogo huang hong sheng xD

^cant wait for his too (: though his hair isn't really as nice as before and though he talks much more now but im sure his voice would still appeals me (:

^ totally shocked and ecstatic when knew she was singing. (: lovely and sweett sweett voice and her acting skills seriously rocks. totally adore her <3 ;D

  • there is night class tomorrow and i feel (: and :/
  • i feel kinda of guilty or maybe a little much more than that cos i fail to attend the class gathering
  • really want to watch transformer though i dont know why
  • my hair smells so nice (; ;DDDDDDD cos of my new oil -free shampoo ~
  • worried cause her ALOT of homework is not done :x


stuff toys

pk birthday and i didn't wish him :x what a great buddy I'm :/
but i had fun with little cousins.(:
they all pro in AUDITION and when i challenge them, i was the last ;O
throw face man. LOL
cannot underestimate them (;


ORAL DAY (: i woke up at 7am just to practice so i wont stutter.
and we reached there punctually at 9am.
we were told to wait till 1pm cause the principal had an urgent meeting ;O
so i went to her house (:
haha chat till 11am
ate her mummy's mee pok
practice oral
slept for 10minutes
& took photos :D
oral session was kind of fun ;P


woke up at 9 to eat prata with family
cut fringe ^^
and donated my lifetime companion
my sister and i left only a few :(

it made me depress the while day :(
haha toysrus xD


MAD ne-yo

i didnt know prelims are just round the corner
so d.e.a.d

by the way, i was watching daddy day care on channel 5.
its so heart warming, there are so many children and a lovely show (:
maybe i want a day care in the future. ;P

i saw something and i cant wait to tell my them :D



Full House - I Think I Love You - Full House

KBOX-ing yesterday with WEI QING & XUE QI (:

/edited everything just got deleted by itself when i inserted the photos :/

i am spending the whole day at school tomorrow :(
lessons>>bio>>night lesson (busy student )^^

and and these days i love rain {; so random right? i didnt know he was this cute till my mum took out fullhouse to rewatch :D WAWAWA nice show xD one of the besttttt (: but saw news that the main actors and actress are not starring for the second one ;( why? it would be awesome if they collaborate :D