haix today is really SIAN.chionging art.feeling.depress.sick.irrtated.left out.tired .stress.
feeling of hatred came back.i feel like hating i feel angry but just dont know how to express.i know i need to study but dun feel like.i just feel nothing.ok unfinished worked here i not blogging le.DAMN piss and angry dun ask y.jus me being sia0..
H0spitalIz3d.bt not mii
it is friday again w0w days weeks and months pass really fast...
fridays always seems so LONG.
school is boring .sian as usual.
AFTER school went back home carry loads of books because school says want to clear so clear lor...
then i went home so sian chiiong my work and i so guai never on the computer finally not addicted. but i did my homework still left my dnt and art.pathtetic.n0w researching for different fonts.erm difficult task.then afternoon do science untill i sleep on the table hahas.and 4.00pm i got tution so i slept untill 4.then after tution supposed to go to my ah gong house but ohh.the climax.
i receive a kall from my mummy saying that my sissy BROKE HER ARM.went to EP the chinese doctor to see.but when i went there the person said my sissy went to the HOSPITAL lers.w0w s0 serious must go to hospital to get an x-ray.but we are supposed to go to ah gong house s everthing was delayed.Vien n laris came to look for us at the taxi stand before we go ah gong house.Bf0re they came mi rosanne and rachel went to buy the 1.00 ice-cream because we cannot afford the 5.00++one hh\hahas. we go for cheapo stuffs =P..AFter my aunties and germaine came we took the taxi to my ah gong house.and on the taxi haha mi rosy n vien were very SILENT hahas.no lar we are COMMUNICATING thru our SECRET METHOD hahas/..they are really cute .but on the way it JAMMED.omg.it is like i almost puke lar..excuse mi i have car sick. s0 poor mi rosy aunty and vien were suffering..even worse the price was 0.0
12 bucks may seem little but everytime go onli 6.00 double times haiix.my mumi n sissy did not come along. my mumi stayed with sis in the hospital waiting to be bandaged.p00r thing man.but she is dumb lor.and she sit on a pole then fall backwards then OUCH there goes her BROKEN ARM. nvm quite c00l to me..new experience lar.not bad.then she came home with a new NECK TIE.. well it looks like one but of cousre not.she n my mumi waited for 5hrs n she onli got a bandaged w0w tt is like...funniest part is after she bath she cannot put her hand through the shirt so the poor gurl gt to wear my shirt lar. haixx quite poor thing lar. it was so painful that she cried just lifting her hand a little.cries.haix.she made me recall years ago when i fell i hit my tailbone n hurt my back .sad it was a painful period somemore near to the exams periods .so damn suai.my sis 0s0 lar the doctor saes she will take 3 weeks to recover.n she hurt her RIGHT HAND .nvm she will then learn to write with her left hand .! jiay0u sissy .get weell s00n.
i really lurves my couzins man they r0cxs.ff0reva! vien rosy laris rachel n germaine.muakies to all.. hehe..
n vien bought huan huan ai n zhong ji..omg so lucky.i am going to lend from her hahas. n her ai qing mo fa oso..+.+
fridays always seems so LONG.
school is boring .sian as usual.
AFTER school went back home carry loads of books because school says want to clear so clear lor...
then i went home so sian chiiong my work and i so guai never on the computer finally not addicted. but i did my homework still left my dnt and art.pathtetic.n0w researching for different fonts.erm difficult task.then afternoon do science untill i sleep on the table hahas.and 4.00pm i got tution so i slept untill 4.then after tution supposed to go to my ah gong house but ohh.the climax.
i receive a kall from my mummy saying that my sissy BROKE HER ARM.went to EP the chinese doctor to see.but when i went there the person said my sissy went to the HOSPITAL lers.w0w s0 serious must go to hospital to get an x-ray.but we are supposed to go to ah gong house s everthing was delayed.Vien n laris came to look for us at the taxi stand before we go ah gong house.Bf0re they came mi rosanne and rachel went to buy the 1.00 ice-cream because we cannot afford the 5.00++one hh\hahas. we go for cheapo stuffs =P..AFter my aunties and germaine came we took the taxi to my ah gong house.and on the taxi haha mi rosy n vien were very SILENT hahas.no lar we are COMMUNICATING thru our SECRET METHOD hahas/..they are really cute .but on the way it JAMMED.omg.it is like i almost puke lar..excuse mi i have car sick. s0 poor mi rosy aunty and vien were suffering..even worse the price was 0.0
12 bucks may seem little but everytime go onli 6.00 double times haiix.my mumi n sissy did not come along. my mumi stayed with sis in the hospital waiting to be bandaged.p00r thing man.but she is dumb lor.and she sit on a pole then fall backwards then OUCH there goes her BROKEN ARM. nvm quite c00l to me..new experience lar.not bad.then she came home with a new NECK TIE.. well it looks like one but of cousre not.she n my mumi waited for 5hrs n she onli got a bandaged w0w tt is like...funniest part is after she bath she cannot put her hand through the shirt so the poor gurl gt to wear my shirt lar. haixx quite poor thing lar. it was so painful that she cried just lifting her hand a little.cries.haix.she made me recall years ago when i fell i hit my tailbone n hurt my back .sad it was a painful period somemore near to the exams periods .so damn suai.my sis 0s0 lar the doctor saes she will take 3 weeks to recover.n she hurt her RIGHT HAND .nvm she will then learn to write with her left hand .! jiay0u sissy .get weell s00n.
i really lurves my couzins man they r0cxs.ff0reva! vien rosy laris rachel n germaine.muakies to all.. hehe..
n vien bought huan huan ai n zhong ji..omg so lucky.i am going to lend from her hahas. n her ai qing mo fa oso..+.+
SIaN daes..
hi .haha.ok.nvm.ya.lets start.
actually today is very sian ders because all lessons are really boring can..but all the interesting comes at the end.
today is our IPW presentation and i really flunk it man hahas.stuttered all the way throughout.die ler lars.then later after the presentation the bk n edmond kept asking many many questions that are "UNaNSWERaBl3" well you two are going to get it next time!=x
ok then today have boring homework like compo yuckies and i stupid never bring home the eng compo thing to plan and oh ya REFLECTIOn for dnt ...hehe
then today when mi n ml going home we saw chang shi and YI WEI<**hinting ml> and gang on der bus haha so qia0 kans? ok not for me is for u know u know hahas
MEI LAN N YIWEI hahahas.
yuan fen we cannot stop it even if we want and chang shi kept asking mei lan or yi wei to sit together dont know if they sat together after i go...haix wasnt able to see finish the ai qing gu shi hahas.but ml very poor thing lar of all guys she is the onli gurl haixx bt nvm gt yi wei help her so i am very fang xin . i tink if i go one mei lan will kill me and i will die VERY BADLY ..hahas.
if you wan to know mei lan and yiwei story i ask chang shi or ml tomorrow and i will take down the answer and blog it heres! hehe..wait for the sec0nd part of ml n yw story prt 2 tt is all for todaes bies .gt to study..n stupid kor.nvm haha
actually today is very sian ders because all lessons are really boring can..but all the interesting comes at the end.
today is our IPW presentation and i really flunk it man hahas.stuttered all the way throughout.die ler lars.then later after the presentation the bk n edmond kept asking many many questions that are "UNaNSWERaBl3" well you two are going to get it next time!=x
ok then today have boring homework like compo yuckies and i stupid never bring home the eng compo thing to plan and oh ya REFLECTIOn for dnt ...hehe
then today when mi n ml going home we saw chang shi and YI WEI<**hinting ml> and gang on der bus haha so qia0 kans? ok not for me is for u know u know hahas
MEI LAN N YIWEI hahahas.
yuan fen we cannot stop it even if we want and chang shi kept asking mei lan or yi wei to sit together dont know if they sat together after i go...haix wasnt able to see finish the ai qing gu shi hahas.but ml very poor thing lar of all guys she is the onli gurl haixx bt nvm gt yi wei help her so i am very fang xin . i tink if i go one mei lan will kill me and i will die VERY BADLY ..hahas.
if you wan to know mei lan and yiwei story i ask chang shi or ml tomorrow and i will take down the answer and blog it heres! hehe..wait for the sec0nd part of ml n yw story prt 2 tt is all for todaes bies .gt to study..n stupid kor.nvm haha
nvr bl0g yesterdaes.

i cannot belive i am so lazy and mean.
stay in front of the computer for long long hours and wasting my precious time haixx.i realli need to kill my addiction for u ! if not i will be eaten up by you soon hahas.
n0w i am doing my IPW erm ya our slides had a little problem since huan xian cannot amend it because of her faulty computer mi n xue qi shall help her because we does the least in the group kan??? ohh tomorrow is presentation.scared.afraid.anxious.all kinds of words lar.but i have a short range of vocab so this is what i only know hahas.lam30.
TODAy in school is realli sian n0thing interesting ya. only during dnt some visitors came into the workshop and took photos of us doing work..well i feel like i came from a animal exhibiton .but cher say that we are good n quiet hahas.well lame. ok now for later i am going to memorise my ge0graphy! n learn my SCI ~think about it!-sound.
mus buck ppl lets g0..do well for eoy hehes.jiay0us.add oil!
before i forget yars ur class won the recycling competition.oh my tian we got 8000 points!! hahas.highest in sec2 and also highest in whole school hehe i so bhb bt quite happy ..but the prize is really pathetic. a $50.voucher erm 2a wants to use for barbeque hehe but that is so little. nvm..
the LUCkY n.0 5
el0.act sae todae kanot go on9 ders bt haixx need to do art s0 aft this i am g0nna c0ncentrate lers and i promise.ok todae my title is LUCKY NUMBER 5.weell there is a story bhind itt..it all happens todae.
because of today i am going to write my blog in full form no more short forms i am going to improve on my pathetic english. n i mean it hahas.
firstly we got back our oral, composition and comprehension results. it is DISASTEROUS realli.
oral 25/40
really really bad but hahas.a coincidence all ended with a 5! hahas.then later i went to popular at tm with mei lan to buy the chengyu zi dian n that pathethic small book cost mi 4.00 !haixx want to study mus wastes moneyy haha stupid n LAMe
then after we play the $$ guess what we saw a 5.00 on the floor hahas.erm is that coincidence or it is pure luck but guess what i did..i know u will say i keep it but then i am very GUAI n HONEST ders s0 i told ml to return but we do not know who to return to s0 hahas.guess what we put int0 the donation box for the other people hahas.see we are good and honest people hahas.because during that time i remebered an incident that i will never FORGET....
recall: we are eating lunch at the canteen my friends and i saw a 1.00 n we very greedy so we took it and bought drinks guess what hahas.later the bird came to eat our food waa sai s0 suai ders can???? haha nvm so that came to my mind so we went to give away the money for donation hahas hope it can help others! hahas.then after that when we headded home and we saw a aunty drop 0.05 hahs ml pick it up again n wow it is 5 again!erm we gave it back to the aunty so we are great children hehes.!!!!sad but happy days helping people roxs so help people around u .ok i am crapping ..hahas realli
because of today i am going to write my blog in full form no more short forms i am going to improve on my pathetic english. n i mean it hahas.
firstly we got back our oral, composition and comprehension results. it is DISASTEROUS realli.
oral 25/40
really really bad but hahas.a coincidence all ended with a 5! hahas.then later i went to popular at tm with mei lan to buy the chengyu zi dian n that pathethic small book cost mi 4.00 !haixx want to study mus wastes moneyy haha stupid n LAMe
then after we play the $$ guess what we saw a 5.00 on the floor hahas.erm is that coincidence or it is pure luck but guess what i did..i know u will say i keep it but then i am very GUAI n HONEST ders s0 i told ml to return but we do not know who to return to s0 hahas.guess what we put int0 the donation box for the other people hahas.see we are good and honest people hahas.because during that time i remebered an incident that i will never FORGET....
recall: we are eating lunch at the canteen my friends and i saw a 1.00 n we very greedy so we took it and bought drinks guess what hahas.later the bird came to eat our food waa sai s0 suai ders can???? haha nvm so that came to my mind so we went to give away the money for donation hahas hope it can help others! hahas.then after that when we headded home and we saw a aunty drop 0.05 hahs ml pick it up again n wow it is 5 again!erm we gave it back to the aunty so we are great children hehes.!!!!sad but happy days helping people roxs so help people around u .ok i am crapping ..hahas realli
i realli need u n0w.
w0w..it is 10.30 leh everione in their bed dreaming away n their wondarland bt nt mi.
still over here strugglin on my art. so pathetic n vexing.i want to slleep bt kan i ?no i nvr even get to realx n slack lor this whole 2 nites i only did research how bad kan it b man.nvm i will jus have to chi0ng nxt few daes .hais still gt all those ee xin the subs gt to revise todae int he aft when to eat lunch at the tampines restaurant n it had c0st us $157++ w0w exp.bt the f00d was great when i reach hme it is lke 4++n i chi0ng my dnt ..hehe manage to do sum nt bad.bt still left quite a lot. bt will jiay0u ders.!
lost for words for a moment hahas.erm tml start sk00l lers again it is monday damn n super fast der kan!bt it is jus a TYPICAL lif 4 us.kant escape so we gt to face it.
lets face it happily..yeahs
wiLL u lend MI lean On ur Sh0ulders wheN i realli N3ed u ?
still over here strugglin on my art. so pathetic n vexing.i want to slleep bt kan i ?no i nvr even get to realx n slack lor this whole 2 nites i only did research how bad kan it b man.nvm i will jus have to chi0ng nxt few daes .hais still gt all those ee xin the subs gt to revise todae int he aft when to eat lunch at the tampines restaurant n it had c0st us $157++ w0w exp.bt the f00d was great when i reach hme it is lke 4++n i chi0ng my dnt ..hehe manage to do sum nt bad.bt still left quite a lot. bt will jiay0u ders.!
lost for words for a moment hahas.erm tml start sk00l lers again it is monday damn n super fast der kan!bt it is jus a TYPICAL lif 4 us.kant escape so we gt to face it.
lets face it happily..yeahs
wiLL u lend MI lean On ur Sh0ulders wheN i realli N3ed u ?
An0ther new skiin..
actually this skin is ok lar ..i ch0se it cox the w0rds are damn cute der lor kan hahas..
bt may b chngin s00n nt realli satisfied lar.. bt this is a nice design!
hahas.short post todae c0x gt to do the art well reall diff de lor cracking my brains killing my brain cells bt gt to live wif it so mus jia y0u everione ! =D
gt to continue wif my art then i started my revision on subs lar. as usual i always slack so learn realli little yes i slapt at lke 2.30 kanx haiy0 watchin a m0vie dunno kor wad name.miss my ai qing m0 fa shi sadded haix nvm lendin frm viien end yr.kies gt to do my art ler jyjy!mus thx xq for givin mii loads of s0ngs..lurve her loads
may nt b bloggin for the nxt few wks..mus st0p my addiction for the c0m goonna miss my dead blog loads.haix
walking away crying.........
when will u all0w mii to walk int0 ur heart to open tt d00r of urs..
bt may b chngin s00n nt realli satisfied lar.. bt this is a nice design!
hahas.short post todae c0x gt to do the art well reall diff de lor cracking my brains killing my brain cells bt gt to live wif it so mus jia y0u everione ! =D
gt to continue wif my art then i started my revision on subs lar. as usual i always slack so learn realli little yes i slapt at lke 2.30 kanx haiy0 watchin a m0vie dunno kor wad name.miss my ai qing m0 fa shi sadded haix nvm lendin frm viien end yr.kies gt to do my art ler jyjy!mus thx xq for givin mii loads of s0ngs..lurve her loads
may nt b bloggin for the nxt few wks..mus st0p my addiction for the c0m goonna miss my dead blog loads.haix
walking away crying.........
when will u all0w mii to walk int0 ur heart to open tt d00r of urs..
L0ng Dreaded Dae..
ok lets see todae is thurs. ya erm l0ng daes again la.actualli sk00l is fun n it is nt haha.
erm start wif ge0 ok sian learnin sec3 work when we are onl sec2.
erm blah blah blah..boring till music less0n
w0w todae is lke sc0ld till whole peri0d lors cox we are l8 for the less0n hehe..actualli i am gulity c0x i act l8 cox doin geo hahas.cher damn angry der bt later in the end no mood for music so haix
later is math so mang de lor.i was copiing geo n listening to math lessn multitasking aft sk00l we still stay back ask cher the math qns haha so hardworking lors.it was untill 2++then i heard my stomach growling leh HUNgry..haiiyy0 then went hme act i am realii sri der lor nvr pei ml go pop buy tings haiy0 sae srii to her X1000...i had a gastric bt now eat so ok ler hahas.
then went hme saw sherry n marcus ...then hahas kame hme i ate MII SIAM.
w0w so qia0 kan in ...
in the aft noon when eating y recess i saw ed eating mii siam so i so envy lar c0x the egg damn nice der n now i am eating mi siam hahas.ok nvm i am LAME bt haha s the egg realli NICE hahas.
ok lets see todae is thurs. ya erm l0ng daes again la.actualli sk00l is fun n it is nt haha.
erm start wif ge0 ok sian learnin sec3 work when we are onl sec2.
erm blah blah blah..boring till music less0n
w0w todae is lke sc0ld till whole peri0d lors cox we are l8 for the less0n hehe..actualli i am gulity c0x i act l8 cox doin geo hahas.cher damn angry der bt later in the end no mood for music so haix
later is math so mang de lor.i was copiing geo n listening to math lessn multitasking aft sk00l we still stay back ask cher the math qns haha so hardworking lors.it was untill 2++then i heard my stomach growling leh HUNgry..haiiyy0 then went hme act i am realii sri der lor nvr pei ml go pop buy tings haiy0 sae srii to her X1000...i had a gastric bt now eat so ok ler hahas.
then went hme saw sherry n marcus ...then hahas kame hme i ate MII SIAM.
w0w so qia0 kan in ...
in the aft noon when eating y recess i saw ed eating mii siam so i so envy lar c0x the egg damn nice der n now i am eating mi siam hahas.ok nvm i am LAME bt haha s the egg realli NICE hahas.
No PuRp0Se.
w0w finish my dnt finally p00r xq gt to go bac to finish one pathetic thing nvm she willb finishing todae yays.everibodi else jyjy.!
hehe..2dae so siaN dun00 wad t0 blog lor.nvm jus increasing the posts haisxx.
kanot find the blogskin that i really crave for how.just keep looking !S0 siann everidae hor onli study seep eat and wach tv. no other interesting to d0.gt to find sumthin nice man hahas.
gtg bye.
hehe..2dae so siaN dun00 wad t0 blog lor.nvm jus increasing the posts haisxx.
kanot find the blogskin that i really crave for how.just keep looking !S0 siann everidae hor onli study seep eat and wach tv. no other interesting to d0.gt to find sumthin nice man hahas.
gtg bye.
it has BEEN 5 daes OREDI
i lurve u hahas. ithas been a LONG LONG TYME i ever touch my bloggie again.
well i miss it..it is goonna b dead s00n n im gonna SAVE IT..ok tt is pretty LAME
i am so
ok for sk00l life..
EXAMS..erhm i kan onli sae i kan d0 beta s0 we mus chi0ng chi0ng bt heng i was rather satisfied wif my reesults bt theres is always r00m for IMPROVEMENT ..isri bt LAZY to type each result hahas.
we change back our arrangement lers n my grp dere is fun bt then quite quiet n CHAng shi is a good pers0n he dam funni ders.
n i am changing my blog skin again lers..bored of it.
hehe..actualli suddenly dunno wad to sae now on MSN tokin to my didi, la0po n kor hahas.. ohh erm wad sh00d i sae let mi tink.blaNK..
OK FIRSTLY ..it is g00anna b mixture of feelings
i am PISs.
ok for sumthin of c0x i would nt lke to reveal lar.sri.bt then sumthin realli matters mi as it is lke wow i realli dunn0 h0w to put kan ..mani things are making mi piss hais.bt i will put it bhind.i will nt mention here c0x i dun wanna offend this ppl..bt i dun hate them jus dun lke wad they are doin.
i am excited
ok for ISWAK 2 i lurve it lots realli..more then nitin else hahas/
actuallii nt much jus feeling HAPPI
haix fy kumin lers so gt to buck up well.jy lets do the best..
oh ya. happi almost finish DNT n u noe wad ya..
ed bdae kumin lerss gtto remebr to giv him his present weell.
he must be damn excited der la hahas.SUSPENSE he will noe it..bt tell u invr WRAPP sri lackin of wrappin pp bt then gt the bag is nice enough hahas.happi guessing ed.
erm RUMOURS in class.
oh jq n hx waa tt is lke s0 PEI KANX wow..foreva sis n br0 bear.
erm n0w the champi0n is ok i dun tink i need to sae it out c0x ppl will cum basshin mi up hahas.
nvm...i jus wanna tell ed
xq n ***** is impossible der lors everyone kan see it onli u kant kan..haix try a beta pers0n nxt time hahas.jyjy..
erm sharing sum pics..
todae xue qi la0po kame to my hse n we STUDI together..workin realli hard hpe kan do betters..hehe our working PROCESS...
well i miss it..it is goonna b dead s00n n im gonna SAVE IT..ok tt is pretty LAME
i am so
ok for sk00l life..
EXAMS..erhm i kan onli sae i kan d0 beta s0 we mus chi0ng chi0ng bt heng i was rather satisfied wif my reesults bt theres is always r00m for IMPROVEMENT ..isri bt LAZY to type each result hahas.
we change back our arrangement lers n my grp dere is fun bt then quite quiet n CHAng shi is a good pers0n he dam funni ders.
n i am changing my blog skin again lers..bored of it.
hehe..actualli suddenly dunno wad to sae now on MSN tokin to my didi, la0po n kor hahas.. ohh erm wad sh00d i sae let mi tink.blaNK..
OK FIRSTLY ..it is g00anna b mixture of feelings
i am PISs.
ok for sumthin of c0x i would nt lke to reveal lar.sri.bt then sumthin realli matters mi as it is lke wow i realli dunn0 h0w to put kan ..mani things are making mi piss hais.bt i will put it bhind.i will nt mention here c0x i dun wanna offend this ppl..bt i dun hate them jus dun lke wad they are doin.
i am excited
ok for ISWAK 2 i lurve it lots realli..more then nitin else hahas/
actuallii nt much jus feeling HAPPI
haix fy kumin lers so gt to buck up well.jy lets do the best..
oh ya. happi almost finish DNT n u noe wad ya..
ed bdae kumin lerss gtto remebr to giv him his present weell.
he must be damn excited der la hahas.SUSPENSE he will noe it..bt tell u invr WRAPP sri lackin of wrappin pp bt then gt the bag is nice enough hahas.happi guessing ed.
erm RUMOURS in class.
oh jq n hx waa tt is lke s0 PEI KANX wow..foreva sis n br0 bear.
erm n0w the champi0n is ok i dun tink i need to sae it out c0x ppl will cum basshin mi up hahas.
nvm...i jus wanna tell ed
xq n ***** is impossible der lors everyone kan see it onli u kant kan..haix try a beta pers0n nxt time hahas.jyjy..
erm sharing sum pics..
todae xue qi la0po kame to my hse n we STUDI together..workin realli hard hpe kan do betters..hehe our working PROCESS...
i lost ma v0ice yes.n 2dae i l0st every tin.
ok a fast post scared my mumi cumes..
haixx todae felt reallli sick man mb cox yes nite sleep at 1.30 for ai qing mo fa shi bt nvm lar..
the c0nsequences.
arghs alm0st everitin scared kanot go sk00l on mon..no! wanna go bac to sk00l to see my 2a hahas..must get well s00n.
luckily.lemship save mi..a lemon drink.i drank it n felt beta now..bt of cox for temporary onli lar..later konfirm will feel un well again de..nvm jyjy to myself..
ask my white blood cells tp work harder n i will get well s00n hahas..
pics of bugis n k i will upload soon de bt i uk retarded in it..hahas.
haixx todae felt reallli sick man mb cox yes nite sleep at 1.30 for ai qing mo fa shi bt nvm lar..
the c0nsequences.
arghs alm0st everitin scared kanot go sk00l on mon..no! wanna go bac to sk00l to see my 2a hahas..must get well s00n.
luckily.lemship save mi..a lemon drink.i drank it n felt beta now..bt of cox for temporary onli lar..later konfirm will feel un well again de..nvm jyjy to myself..
ask my white blood cells tp work harder n i will get well s00n hahas..
pics of bugis n k i will upload soon de bt i uk retarded in it..hahas.
t0dae realli suaii

they luk lke they are dying...
hais..todae is realli quite ok not quite.is VERY suai sia..
yesterdae nvr blog cox realli tired lar frm bugis n my poor leg gt blister lor frm the walking n sh0pping..regret wearing tt shoes hahas.bt bobian lars u noe wad is ai mei rite hahas no lar....
then later at nite i was chi0ngin my DNT n watchin the channel U last epi nice ..
todae in another vri tirin dae 4 mi..in the morning suppose to meet r0sy 4 swimmin bt then she gt sk00l so she ended up kuming late actualli i was late too..the swimming starts at 10.30 n ends at 12.30 bt i left my hse n meet r0sy at mrt at 10.40 dere erm so late ler kans.den we need go t0 t0a payoh then walk 4 5 min bt then.. when we reach dere erm it is lke 12.10 n my uncle sae kan g0 hme ler..it is lke omg i spend 1hr++to kum to toa payoh then later is lke i gt to go bac n rush to my darlinks at the k dere bt later..wen to eat lunch at mac..when i rush hme it was oredi lke 1.30 0mg lor..how late lor..ask my la0 po g0 iin first denn when i reach was lke oredi2.30 w0rst still i gt a headache n my thr0at was aching..y on this fateful dae when want to go n have fun haisy0..bt then nvm still tried to siing the best c0x throat was realli aching badli i tink i kanot talk tml ler.hahas.k was realli fun enjoi 4 5 hrs. den i went hme to chia0ng my maths n i finished hurray..i am nt doin the chp 14 lazi.bt then my hm left...
yaya..sanding dnt pr0duct waa.so fast.
sk00l.openin s00n.
bt bl00gin c0ntinues..
take a luk at my c0uxiies n b3stfwenin pri sk00l.-ex lurved.
kumin bac wif a new l00k..no lars
erm hihi blog..actuallierm saw some c0mments on the tagbord lars..n i realiise tt ar..i have to change a bit lor.bt i dun tink i will be able to cahnge my style of writin cos i kanot lar.it is jus the way in mi. i have to agree tt when readin the c0mmentsi realli felt disheartened bt then later found out tt i shood do sumthin to impr0ve on thiis blog instead of feeling sad larhs.haha i wil nt guai the pers0n hu tag here bt thank them..hehe i mus be realli sia0 bt then w0 xiang tong le..stay positive..i respect every c0mment being posted here. hahas.erm yar..tml gg to bugis lar..wif y darlinks as usual.
erm ya bt then realli the ex sia may nt have enough money to buy..kiess then the math realli driving mi nuts.realli diff.cher nvr teeach n we nvr learn so it is like i DUNNO how to do!haiy0.. nvm continue tml..l00king forward for tml =p erm nth much to blog act.
realli scared kum bac cox afraid to face the reality.bt nvm jyjy.post beta post dat everone will lke..hehe.bies.
erm ya bt then realli the ex sia may nt have enough money to buy..kiess then the math realli driving mi nuts.realli diff.cher nvr teeach n we nvr learn so it is like i DUNNO how to do!haiy0.. nvm continue tml..l00king forward for tml =p erm nth much to blog act.
realli scared kum bac cox afraid to face the reality.bt nvm jyjy.post beta post dat everone will lke..hehe.bies.
At my c0uxxis hs3s..N0W
hihi this is my c0uxxies lptop now i am using haha..n u noe where my c0uxiess stay omg at choa chu kang lors kan damn far der i am stayin at the east n she is lke at the west haiy0ss act dun wanna kum ders bt haha..lurv them tt y i kame no lar..act i am a bady cox i was fakg sick in the mornin lors hHAHA this is realli far hahas..bt dun kare lar..\tml gg bac to sk00l for dnt heng..
u n0e hor
imust realli thank mr mosquitoe 4 help mi yesterdae haha..i need sum measurements n he help i thx l0ads hhaha ..m0squitoe guy..u are GREAT 3 cheers 4 u..n muakies thx.. erm my lame couxies are watchi mr ben holi..lame ritess bt hack.i blog n watchin hei tang haha...
oh ya hpe qian hui quicky send mi de 6b fotos hhahas..nothin much to sae gg gan my dnt n my maths lers..haha mb go hme den blog lors..bies.. >.<
u n0e hor
imust realli thank mr mosquitoe 4 help mi yesterdae haha..i need sum measurements n he help i thx l0ads hhaha ..m0squitoe guy..u are GREAT 3 cheers 4 u..n muakies thx.. erm my lame couxies are watchi mr ben holi..lame ritess bt hack.i blog n watchin hei tang haha...
oh ya hpe qian hui quicky send mi de 6b fotos hhahas..nothin much to sae gg gan my dnt n my maths lers..haha mb go hme den blog lors..bies.. >.<
it is SATURDAE//
` My favs.. 2a `
chey my cuxxies kame to mi hse t slleepp haha..play c0m games till 12.00 ya..
then later to dae woke up lke maid Mop the hse OMG i hated it..bt realli bo biian later was the best. we went to buy n shop yippee..
see my new shoes .bt my sis is one of dem lar.. kan u blive her sh0es are bigger then mine sadded i amlke older then her bt ..criess..nvm small legs so wad.. they r cuter hahas. so bhb.
no feelin to blog jus pics..n need to do dnt lers..
2A chio bus..hahas.exclude mii
this is not my sh0es horr.
chipss!i damn hungry ders.
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